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27 Jul 2024 11:43:04
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27 Jul 2024 10:50:05
Not panicking BUT I really thought with 8 days left before the start of our league challenge we still haven't brought in a outfield player ( with the exception of Bernardo) . Obviously I would prefer quality over quantity and I except that takes more time but I didn't think it would be this long. I hope it's not going to go down the loan road with no option to buy and wait until the last day of the window. We have ONLY one striker and ONLY one left back. Time to get your finger out Celtic board.


27 Jul 2024 11:05:16
Av been quite calm but they better hope nothing happens to kyogo between now and killie game because that'll be us down to no strikers. and maeda ain't striker.


27 Jul 2024 09:55:36
Celtic should be watching the situation at Bordeaux, there are a cuppla good strikers we could look at Alberth Elis the 28 year old Honduran international who we looked at a couple of years back and Zan Vipotnik the young Slovenian international we looked at last season who will be free agents .


27 Jul 2024 10:11:12
Just read that the game starts at 9pm our time, not seen any games due to working and crazy ko times so really looking forward to this. Mon the hoops 🍀.


27 Jul 2024 11:32:05
I like the of vipotnik.


27 Jul 2024 09:46:45
a lot of fans panicking on signings not for me. the squad just now is healthy and the additional quality will be added the work will be done in the back round.

rodgers basically says yesterday Taylor won't be first choice so my thoughts a left back will be brought in. 2 or 3 quality players will be brought in the panic needs to stop

for me after a left back is brought in wee will bring a striker and centre back in imo that will make us stronger. probably a winger to. when we look at our wingers wee have khun medea forrest palma yang all good quality.


27 Jul 2024 10:09:52
Well said UI. I agree, BR was clear that he had spoken to GT and made him aware of what will happen after the window closes, he will have to fight for a spot in the team, so he expects a LB in.

He keeps saying things are going on in the background and they know who they want. He is saying him and board are on same page.

I do think we will get a LB, CB and at least 1 striker, possibly 2.

Clubs will be holding out for maximum profit but over next few weeks, as the window closure comes into view, clubs will be left with the decision, sell and have time to get in a replacement, or don't sell and be left with a player they may not want to keep or who is unhappy.

I understand the league starts in a week but other leagues don't and we are looking outwith our league, so patience (and God it's hard) is needed.


27 Jul 2024 10:35:03
spot on mate. no one had a clue about the 2 keepers till there were basically signed. i believe were working on the other signings just now and they have been identified and its just the process of getting them over the line now. fans are panicking to much and just want signings pronto its like when the window opens players should just being coming in every week. the squad is healthy looks strong and playing well and the additional quality will be added in due course to strengthen it a lot more.


27 Jul 2024 11:14:25
If we go into killie game with one striker then that's at best incompetence if not downright neglect .


27 Jul 2024 01:38:48
According to accounts Celtic have 941 employees and spend £61m on wages.

Directors are separate as they are reported under director remuneration and cost £1.4m per year.

This is all educated guess work but I think it would be fair to say that about 120 of those employees would be players and first team coaches leaving 821 general staff. Now bearing in mind a very high proportion of this staff will be part time. I think it's reasonable to assume an average salary of £16000. Btw Celtic don't pay high end wages as they know people want to work there so they don't have too. So let's say £13.1m of the wages goes to general staff leaving £48m for players.

Again I don't know but I would assume each squad would have a budget for example.

Women's team £1m per annum
Under 18s £1m per annum
B Team £2m per annum
Coaching Team £5m per annum

Leaving maybe £39-40m for first team wages. And giving you an average salary of around £26000 per week for the first team.

Again I have no knowledge but I think this would be a lot closer that sports mile or whatever site is saying £23m.

My frustration about celtics wage style is they seem to always end up with loads of player on about the same wages whereas clubs like Ajax, Benfica etc is they seem to have squad status related wages ie they will have a squad of 25 with 5-6 elite player on maybe £65k per week. 6-7 on 25k. 718 on 10k and the rest development on maybe £5k. Seems like a much better way to manage a wage budget and attract a certain level within in a squad. Celtic should be able to sign 3-4 real quality player pay the em £65k a week and not have Greg Taylor or Liam scales shouting they deserve £65k a week too.

4x£65000 - £15m
7x£25000 - £10.5m
5x£18000 - £5.3m
5x£12500 - £3.7m
4x£7000 - £1.6m
3 x £3500 - £0.6m

28 man squad £36.7m wage bill. Allowing for employers NI. Leaving £5m per year for performance related bonuses.

But all just opinion.


27 Jul 2024 09:15:30
You do know that you put 4x65,000 that equals 260,000 not 15 million and so on down the list it's all In the ten of thousands sorry for being pedantic. But math is my only strong point lol.


27 Jul 2024 09:18:06
TBhoy, I think you forget the employers liabilities and which will be built into the £61 million, for example, employers NI, pension contribution, employers tax. I have seen footballers wage slips. For a player on £1million a year, there will be about £200,000 - £300,000 with all of the above and insurance requirements, it’s worth noting any built in appearance fees, goal bonus, man of match bonuses and loyalty bonuses etc will be within the costs you have described.


27 Jul 2024 10:11:45
Think Tbhoys calculation is based on yearly Marco . Multiply your 260K by 52 and you'll get around Tbhoys 15 mill.


26 Jul 2024 23:27:59
This we pay more wages than championship teams, does that really matter? when players will always choose the top five league before thinking about our league, some do choose the championship before our league.


{Ed007's Note - And some don't, some choose to play for one of the biggest Clubs in the world, win trophies and play European football, CCV being one, MOR being another, Kasper Schmeichel probably had offersx in better leagues so what's your point?
If a player's ambition is to play in the English 2nd division chances are they aren't good enough for Celtic.


27 Jul 2024 01:05:20
O'Riley will move to a better league ed, so would ccv if he had a choice ✌️.


{Ed007's Note - CCV had other options including in England, the only thing that was worrying him was if playing in Scotland would affect his international chances.


27 Jul 2024 01:03:09
ED superb bud lol🤣quality want to play against quality weekly not average joes in our league, because if you don't come up against quality you will never improve your game, some don't understand this, does make me laugh on occasional, nothing to do with celtic all to do with our pishy league.


{Ed007's Note - I'm actually struggling to see what point you're trying to make here. Are you saying VV,D, Ajer, KT, MOR, Dembele, Edouard, Jota etc etc didn't improve playing week in and week out in Scotland? Ryan Christie, Starfelt, Armstrong.....
If they didn't improve why do clubs give us millions of £££ for them?


27 Jul 2024 06:54:00
I’d say English talent chooses the English pyramid and it’s associated money before our league not foreign unless it’s the prem, for me part of the scouting and behind scenes talks with agents is identifying the ambitious and hungry who want to develop or are young in top 5 leagues ready to play first team footbal, we have the budget we need to better with it.


27 Jul 2024 07:51:40
I have to agree with Ed, some players come here to win trophies and play in CL. Some so they get game time because they may not in top 5 league teams amd some because of our Managers, the support and we are a massive club where they get great exposure.

Others because they will get more money than offered elsewhere, hard for someone on here to get their heads around I know.


27 Jul 2024 08:40:39
100% right Ed. It has been proven time and time again, moving to Celtic improves players, raises their profile and when they or we feel it is right, they move on. The standard of the Scottish game is not that bad. We don't have Man City, Arsenal or Liverpool class sides, but neither does any other league, except one, and that league cannot accommodate every player and give them game time.


27 Jul 2024 09:06:52
I would agree with both, but still think those non natives at first come here for the stepping stone route, however I'm not surprised when players actually fall in love with the place, if you spend quality time at our club and give quality moments then youll never be forgotten, it's not quite like that at many other clubs.
In my opinion say MoR goes to italy playing for Atalanta, they aren't a huge club at all, better league absolutely but playing in front of an average attendance of 14,500 at home games to me isn't very ambitious, or ambition not being correct but jumping to the next level certainly not, go to athletics Madrid then yes that's a bigger jump in my opinion.
Wages talk, so does international football, our league not good enough dsnish manager said? He picked players from belgium and danish leagues, not that different really!
Sometimes you wonder if celtic get a player to become a spokesperson also to increase their value, as MOR gave many interviews for celtic last year, you would expext the more of cal mac.


27 Jul 2024 09:37:15
Ed of course a young player will obviously improve will game time and experience, then move on to a far better league, many quality players will not even think about moving here.
Question ed. Do you thinking vvd would be the player he is today if he never left our league?
Quality needs to play Quality regularly for improvement, average joes in our league is the reason quality will not come here.


{Ed007's Note - Would VVD have became the player he is today if he hadn't came to Scotland? I still don't know what point it is you're trying to make.


26 Jul 2024 21:48:55
Slow day today thought there might have been some news.


26 Jul 2024 22:48:07
Mally. I went for a piss earlier and it had the consistency of rice. stpp the press?


26 Jul 2024 20:30:09
Why are we not going for mijovski? Thoughts?


26 Jul 2024 21:09:04
I'm guessing as BR wants Idah, it appears that all the eggs are in that basket, which is a dangerous game as it will likely go to the wire in this transfer window.

Personally given the number of games/ competitions we've potentially got this coming season I'd look to sign them both as an injury to one leaves us exposed.

Idah and Miovski should cost circa £6M each and will both increase in value - go and get them.

☘️ 🍀 ☘️.


26 Jul 2024 21:10:57
Peumably the same reason reason why 20-30 other managers haven’t charged in looking for him either.


26 Jul 2024 21:14:47
Not good enough?


26 Jul 2024 21:38:14
If we don't get idah am certain there's a plan B.


26 Jul 2024 21:40:48
Miovski was previously my 1st choice but I trust Brendan with wanting Idah.

Brendan obviously liked what he seen last season and hopefully we get him because I’m sure Idah will continue to improve.


26 Jul 2024 22:43:17
Agree BuzzBomb, Idah was superb when he came in at the end of the January window.

I don't buy into having two experienced strikers and a young player as 3rd choice when playing with only one up front, and that role could have been filled by Vata.

Miovski, like Kyogo and Idah brings a different skillset to the role and knows where the back of the net is.

☘️ 🍀 ☘️.


27 Jul 2024 01:24:44
I reckon it's because somebody at the club has actually seen him play.


26 Jul 2024 18:54:07
Everton player wages = £86m
Celtic player wages = £22.5m

Celtic as a club pay £60m in wages and I have asked this before where is the other £40m in wages being spent at Celtic, We don't employ that many people do we? And the ones we do employ won't be on the best ever wages - we have for for that you know

Everton pay nearly 4 times as much in wages as we do we just can't compete with that.


{Ed007's Note - Where do you get this £22.5 million figure from as I've never seen anywhere reliable i.e. from the Club's accounts, breaking figures down like that?
You're saying the Everton wage bill is just for the players but the wage bill - that's actually in our accounts - is for the whole Club and all it's subsidiaries?}


26 Jul 2024 19:11:11
I got those figures from salary sport. com ed007 and we are way behind when it comes to wages bud way behind.


{Ed007's Note - Right, well if you're using that for info there's no pint continuing this conversation.

"We strive to collate and maintain over 50,000 salaries from the worlds 7 largest sports, spanning the past 10 years. Our team trawls the internet for reliable sources on a daily basis to save you, our readers, the time! Spawned out of a University economics paper on the state of modern football wages, our founders were inspired to make the information they researched publically available and have maintained the database ever since."

They trawl the internet for reliable sources 😂😂😂😂 Oh and the misspelt "publically" show how professional a set up that is.
The only place in the world you can find out what every player earns is the FIFA TMS (Transfer Matching System) where every contract is electronically lodged - once it is logged on there the "international clearance " part of transfers is completed. Only certain levels of executives have access to it and one press agency - I think it's the Associated Press.
On the internet The Swiss Ramble is probably the most accurate as he studies club's accounts and breaks it down in layman's terms.}


26 Jul 2024 19:16:08
Yes that is exactly what I am saying ed007

Everton have 7 players earning over 100k a week then they have about 5 players getting 75k a week and so on.


{Ed007's Note - 😂😂😂😂😂😂


26 Jul 2024 19:42:15
Celtic have over 60 players on our books, so 22 million is nowhere near our wage bill. The wage bill will include all employees of the club surely. I am sure I read somewhere recently our wage bill was over 40, nearer 50 million amd sevcos last year was near 60, hence the need for them to get rid of the high earners.

I cannot recall where read it.


26 Jul 2024 19:43:00
While it might not be official the wages they probably aren't that far off the mark are they? Through various different methods of them being available whether it be an agent leaking to the press or whatever. I mean how does Fabrizio Romano know so much about contracts and wages and transfer fees? Someone must be giving him that information.


{Ed007's Note - Yes, they're probably so far off the mark the mark's packed up and went home, there's loads of these sites out there and usually they all have different amounts. You're arguing with me over stuff that is in Club's actual accounts and making up nonsense that Everton's wage bill is only for players but our wage bill has £40 million missing, it's preposterous

If you choose to believe Fabrizio Romano that's up to you but again - how can you check if his figures are right? What if his figures were different from sports salary, who would you believe?
He's a journalist will know about moves etc but he won't know any better than you or me the financial side of it. They are more open in Europe about transfer fees so that's easy enough to find out.
Would you trust Keith Jackson if he was telling you the ins and outs of the finances of Man Utd's or AC Milan's signings?}


26 Jul 2024 19:51:55
I was very surprised to read you state that our wage bill is as high as Everton, Brighton, etc, Ed. I thought the reason we continue to lose players to the likes of Southampton and Palace is because they are able to pay a lot more than we can (or at least are willing to) .


{Ed007's Note - I don't think Everton is a good example with the mess they're in but I know what you mean. Maybe these clubs spend their money wiser than we do plus you have to factor in the size of Celtic, we will have a lot more employees than those clubs.
Southampton's wage to turnover ratio is about 84% where as ours is 51% (down from 67% the previous year.


26 Jul 2024 20:44:09
I think next year UEFA FFP expect wages to be under 70% of the clubs turnover.

That’s why Sevco are downsizing and trying to lose their big earners and the same could be said about Celtic last year.

Celtic at 51% is impressive considering we are dominant domestically.

It will probably go under 51% because our turnover will be bigger when the accounts are made public in September and bigger again next year due to the new CL format this season.
Our turnover will go down each season Celtic fail to reach the CL group stages for the foreseeable future.

There’s Pros and Cons to the wages cap debate.


26 Jul 2024 18:06:14
Hi Ed.
I just wanted to ask a question if that's ok and sorry if it's a bit of a daft one.
In the case of the Bernardo deal and according to reports everything is done except the medical.
My question is, in cases like Bernardo is there any need for a medical?
He must have went through one before we brought him in last season and he played a lot so we will know everything about the boy.
He has also been training with Benfica.
Has it got something to do with insurance?


{Ed007's Note - Insurance purposes and to check for any hidden injuries or underlying problems that might have occurred over the past 12 months.}


26 Jul 2024 22:02:29
Cheers ed.


{Ed007's Note - No probs bud 👍


26 Jul 2024 17:14:52
We have a squad that limped over the line last year. the 2 trophies masked some of the awful football during the season.
We all know the team needs improvement in many areas.
Tbf I think we have improved the gk department.
The board is taking pelters for a slow window. However they still have time to give the manager what he wants.
We'll want the signings in early especially the manager but you have to think the club ain't going to let us down this window.
Reading between the lines the manager is telling us the big signings will come nearer the end of the window.
And if that happens then hopefully they can settle before the CL starts.
However if we are sort changed again then they better get the barriers up again.


26 Jul 2024 18:30:22
Fans are only cash cows to the board.


26 Jul 2024 19:50:45
Every board is the same, ours isn't unusual or different, contrary what we may think.

They do what they think is in the best financial interests of the club.

Ours are better than most however like many others supporters I just wish they would not be so risk adverse all the time, it just makes the transfer window really long and painful.

I understand why they do it but each negotiation is like waiting for an apology from McCoist.


26 Jul 2024 19:59:27
Last season we got definitely got out of jail free during a season that was hampered and disrupted by injuries, dodgy recruitment.
A change of manager, system and new arrivals contributed to some inconsistent performances. We also saw very patchy form from important players, the like of AJ, Cal-Mac, Kyogo and Hatate.
The Sevco results helped to salvage top spot and domestic success.
BR has stated that targets have been identified and new signings will come and hopefully lessons have been learned for all concerned.


26 Jul 2024 20:04:21
Jungle John, John what do you mean “that they better get the barriers up again”.


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