08 Jul 2024 13:32:41
It's crazy listening to people not only on this forum, but all the other Celtic forums throwing the toys out the pram already! The Transfer window has been open for a week! I reccomend from a mental stand point, take a step back and wait till the end of the transfer window before going off on one ?.
08 Jul 2024 13:48:04
I'managing to keep it together ken but I am 100% confident that there will be a protest at our first home game if the board don't have players in that improve the team.
There is already a lot of bad blood between the fans and the board. If the board wants to heal that rift, then they need to start getting signings in the door. If they don't, then hell mend them as the pressure will mount up on them.
08 Jul 2024 13:50:34
Now that would be utterly boring.
08 Jul 2024 14:14:25
I would rather be in our position than Sevco.
I admit to being raging this time last year because our signings were underwhelming.
They’ve done exactly what Celtic did last year and downsized the club with inexperienced project signings.
I believe Celtic will bring in better players this summer and I don’t mind waiting.
08 Jul 2024 14:18:09
Weejoe, the Board are not aware of bad blood between them and Celtic supporters. The Board saw the almost 100% season ticket renewals, with so few seats available to be offered to fans as a very good indicator of no bad blood between Board and supporters. Not only that but every year we have bigger merchandise sales which boast our over-all turnover. I am sure the Board recognise that fan bases can be frickle and they won’t take supporters for granted
The Board and many fans will. remember the unbelievable treatment of F McC now regarded as a Celtic legend, on flag day when he was roundly booed by many fans . A great number of these fans are now advocating a statue built for him or naming a stand .
Be careful before going over the top with booing or abuse, we may just succeed in making our run of domestic success come to a sudden end by upsetting the comradeship between team, manager and fans and create a bad atmosphere leading to bad results.
08 Jul 2024 14:36:22
Our fans could quite easily have rebelled after the January transfer window but they deserved massive credit, for getting behind the team and shouting our club to another Double.
I can also see why our fans are frustrated because our Board got away with one last season.
Sevco ran out of steam but there was a bit of panic amongst our fans and that was on our Board.
The Celtic Board know Sevco will regress for a 3rd successive season and it will be interesting to see which hand they play.
I know what would happen if the situation was reversed because we witnessed it in the mid 1990s.
Rangers didn’t waste time when they were standing on our throats and Celtic should do the same with Sevco.
08 Jul 2024 14:38:15
I get where you're coming from Ken. It's just there's a distrust been built up over the years towards the men in the ivory tower/ recruitment policy. Tbh, I don't trust them as far as I can throw them and if they made the effort to communicate more with the fans, that would help. As I've said before who I do trust is BR so all things considered, I'm ok with waiting. On a bigger communication related scale, maybe something positive will happen from the fans' survey.
08 Jul 2024 16:47:55
Buzz you are correct, the fans got behind the team after the disastrous January transfer window.
However, it could have easily went the other way if results had not been positive. I have no doubt the Celtic fans would have turned on the board if we had lost the league last season.
@wee des, I agree with much of what you say but it is not me you need to convince. I am merely stating the obvious.
Most Celtic fans (which is not to say most fans) I know hate the. board. This ill will was compounded after many of board's disasters of last season. I am sure this ill will is shared by the fans groups who were banned last season. These fans have already had protests against the board and ran a campaign were they refused to sing, shout, clap during matches. I am certain this will be repeated if the board don't get signings in before the league kicks off.
08 Jul 2024 18:22:02
9IAR I agree with you 100% and you’ve put your point across very well. I am being optimistic this year as I truly believe the board must see at this stage the hatred that is brewing within our fan base. If they do not deliver by the close of the transfer window myself and everyone else has the right to be fuming with the board.
I do believe there will be an uproar if they do not deliver. There handling of the green brigade last year ran in tandem with a number of bad results and I do not believe that is just coincidence.
The board no longer have cracks to paper over and it’s more of a crevice they need to fill in to appease the fan base.
08 Jul 2024 21:20:00
Tbh ill still by my official cfc car air freshener.
09 Jul 2024 09:53:41
The transfer window for us has been open since the 14th June @ KenLikeEh.
09 Jul 2024 11:52:51
Buzz bomb, u are 100% correct Rangers when they had a run of success against us in mid 1990’s put their foot on our throats and tried to bury us .
How did that work out in the long run. Rangers went for more blood, just like some seem to advocate Celtic should do to them .
We all remember how Rangers found out trampling Celtic with their boot on our throat, brought about their liquidation and death .
We know that came about by Rangers Board losing their way, the big Scottish institution, the Establishment club could not run out of Finance . It ran out of Finance because Board lost its financial due diligence and put destroying Celtic their number one objective.
Buzz bomb, you may very well be better educated with more Financial know how, than most of the Celtic Board members and know exactly how Financially secure Celtic would be if they began a long term policy of spending £10 for every £5 that Sevco spend .
Of course to blow Sevco out of the water we would need one of them floating pitches, 2 Hotels in case they built one and a couple casinos. Beaing Rangers into second place 11/ 12 doesn’t seem to be enough Last season showed that even with a new manager, horrendous long term injuries to key players and the. Forced early retirement of Head of Referees because of their Rangers2012 bias, Celtic could still finish the league strong and defeat Rangers .
If anyone. thinks winning SPL last season was lucky or Rangers2012 ran out of steam they weren’t following what was happening.
I have little doubt, the Board, our recruitment, manager players and fans will once again play their part to bring SPL to Celtic Park.
09 Jul 2024 17:46:59
Please God despite the encouragement of some for Celtic to do as Rangers did in the 1990’s and naughties . Please have Celtic continue to dominate domestic football in definitely and not do as Rangers did attempt to destroy Celtic but instead destroyed themselves by liquidation and death of themselves Rangers.
09 Jul 2024 19:24:16
Marco. The local window was open then. The international window was the 1st of July.
10 Jul 2024 12:56:57
In order to keep a happy fan base, it seems that Celtic should abolish the Board and allow fans who may or may not attend matches make all decisions. I can’t see how we couldn’t have a super club run in harmony. Transfer windows would mean an abundance of quality players signed at what ever price selling club want . There is no point in getting rid of a Board who decide a transfer budget best suited for us and then make decisions to keep within the budget, if Celtic fans set up group to do something similar . No point in doing away with Board if season books aren’t available at less than half price . There is no point in trying to control Green Brigade and/ other ultra groups as Celtic fans must not impose any restrictions on behaviours, as if they did they would be as bad as Board .
If fans don’t want rid of all the Board, and instead the Board members that some fans think are destroying our club, either unintentionally or deliberately, who would these members be and how can our fans who don’t want them get rid of them and if our fans want to replace them by who.