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06 Jul 2024 12:38:27
Has our Board conditioned us to accept mediocrity? Our captain, who sets a benchmark mark is, in SPL standards, a exceptionally good player. When he steps up International level he is a good player but against top CL teams he is often average (although had a great 45 against Real) . Point being if everyone we get is of a lower standard and most are miles off then are we ever going to compete I Europe? To make a statement we need to bring in players better than McGregor, better than CCV, better than Kyogo. Totally accept that's not easy but there are plenty guys on the Euros playing for teams with smaller budgets than ours that would walk into our team. We are down Hart, Idah and Bernardo and need replacements for them (or perm deals) plus at least 3 first team players. No more Kwon, Tillio, Holm's etc.

{Ed007's Note - I've been saying the same thing on the podcast for months, Chinks. We don't need an upgrade on Scales, we need an upgrade on CCV to play beside CCV. And in my opinion - and I know it won't be popular - but in a Brendan Rodgers team Idah would an upgrade on Kyogo.}

Agree2 Disagree7

06 Jul 2024 13:17:35
Agree 100% we need better but we need to spend much more than we have to give us a chance of competing. We need to be targeting more players in the 10-15m bracket. Mcgregor as you said is an exceptional player domestically but we will never succeed in europe with him at the heart of our MF
I genuinely think only Oriley is the only player we have that won't be out of place at that level. And i said WONT as he probably isn't even there yet.
Until our board realise we need to spend more on fees and wages we will continue to get left behind.
Yes money doesn't guarantee success and needs to be very well spent but if we have 11players who cost 100m we have a far better chance of having a better team than 11players costing 50m. Again not guaranteed but a better chance.
Time will tell the direction we will take but huge change in transfer policy needed to progress on the continent.
If oriley leaves 5-6 players with decent experience around 10m each would make a huge difference but i can't see us spending anywhere near that. Also couple of freebies with huge experience with higher wages. Although understandably these players are risky as they may lack motivation
But IMO that's how far away we are at having a team that at least competes.

06 Jul 2024 13:25:12
Nah ed there's a few of us and our numbers grow. like a cult. Id have a gg over a idah but i like idah and he offers more as kyogo who has a role but not the the same as either of those two. What we do need is better quality wingers if we go with idah as our final ball is poor percentage wise.

{Ed007's Note - Kyogo was used more as a winger before he came here but after we saw him out there at Ibrox I wouldn't go there again. He does offer something different but as soon as Rodgers was announced as manager I said Kyogo would struggle in Rodgers system. I definitely think Rodgers wanted a striker in last summer.}

06 Jul 2024 14:18:45
Can’t see BR dropping Cal or CCV for any1 in Europe but yous are 100% they both get found out a lot in Europe. This is a big chance to bring in decent quality and have them established for league and Europe as a think next season be even harder to qualify for CL as a don’t think it’s automatic.

06 Jul 2024 14:35:36
I agree 100% with Chinks post and your response Ed.

In this current window, given BR plays with one up front and doesn't fancy Kyogo, I'd like to see us sign Idah and Miovski.

Appreciate these guys are not CL calibre but they could, given their age and current ability, help us make intoads in Europe at Europa Cup level.

In other positions, Scales should be nowhere near starting 11, Welsh should be nowhere near Celtic Park and so on.

Baby steps but progress should take place this/ next month and given our cash reserves we need to relook at the 'model' and bring in technically better players.

To take Chinks point, CalMac against his German counterparts a few weeks ago was shockingly bad and Ralston was just completely out of his depth.

☘️ ? ☘️.

06 Jul 2024 15:02:27
" We need to spend much more than we have to compete" staggers me so it does! " We need to target players in the £10-£15m bracket" we spent £9m on Edouard and couldn't compete, are you saying an extra £1m has been the answer all along? Nonsense we need to keep unearthing the van dijk's O'Reilly's of this world and keep a hold of them! Good players only cost the eyesight of a good scout! Price doesn't guarentee quality.

06 Jul 2024 15:45:32
Bhoy88, jeez mate read the post again. We spent 9m on ONE player and he for me was 9m well spent. I said we need to be targeting more players in that bracket as opposed to 3m on unknowns like holm and yang. How many holms and yangs have we had to go thru to find a vvd or oriley.

I also said we won't spend that on players, all i said was to give us a better chance in europe we need to spend more. We have had the same transfer policy for over a decade and our record in europe is embarrassing because of it.

This transfer policy you are wanting to continue with causes us to lack any experience at that level whatsoever. Vvd and oriley had NO experience at that level. Experience is huge.

A transfer policy that's held us back for years and you want to continue with it!
Give your head a wobble, its not rocket science mate.

06 Jul 2024 16:29:46
Hi All. Just saying, Celtic buy players in the 3/ 4 million market. When we play in the CL we are playing against players in the 50/ 100 million market. That's the issue.

06 Jul 2024 17:06:52

It's about finding the right balance between the two.

As you'll be well aware the last time we were in a European final in 2003, two out of the three main strikers (Sutton and Hartson) cost around £6M each and the other, king of Kings, was a steal at £600K.

I agree the price tag doesn't always guarantee quality but in many cases peanuts gets you monkey's.

☘️ ☘️ ☘️.

06 Jul 2024 17:13:39
Exactly Raymond. Money tells the story at the end of the day.
To be fair aindoh No better manager would come near us unless they get backed properly.

06 Jul 2024 17:17:50
Are we joining the EPL? Some fans are utterly deluded to believe that being in the champions league allows us to spend crazy and pull the worlds best players to sunny Glasgow in an unbelievably competitive domestic league.

We need to accept financially that it isn't possible, being miles ahead domestically is if we stay smart!

I can see many of you being disappointed come September the 1st.

06 Jul 2024 17:40:32
In a Rodgers team Bojan Miovski would be a great signing .

06 Jul 2024 17:50:05
Turner1984, im guessing im probably who you're referring to as deluded?
How is explaining what needs to be done with recruitment to help us compete in europe deluded?
No said we will spend that sort of money. I even mentioned in my post that we wouldn't spend that sort of money.
Also no one is asking for the worlds best players as you put it, were asking for better players and can you blame us when we brought in about 20 players last summer for about £1m each which was a disaster.
Can you tell me what part of that is deluded?

06 Jul 2024 18:16:59
You're not deluded DerryTim.

As the OP questions, and as I've said for years, a lot of our support HAVE been conditioned to accept mediocrity - thinking your suggestions are delusional when there's so much in the bank and we're constantly making a profit on net spends.

The club does not try to be as good as it can be in the recruitment department. Generally, you get what you pay fir, it's that simple.

06 Jul 2024 19:08:33
We always seem to shop in the £2-4m bracket. You can find the odd gem but on the whole it is a low risk strategy. We need to up that and try getting more quality in the £5-8m bracket. The better the team gets we may only need 2-3 players a season and naturally you may lose 1 or 2 who can be replaced with that money.

06 Jul 2024 19:09:39
What you have to remember is there are teams with a similar budget to us playing in the CL and getting results against bigger teams. Regardless of spending quantity we need to spend better.

06 Jul 2024 20:56:59
Transfer fees are not the issue as we have have signed proper quality for low fees in the past Larsson, Lubo, Virgil, O'Reilly etc so it can be done without shopping in a certain price range. Our problem has always been keeping a hold of these players. That's down to two factors imo, the quality of our league and the wages we can offer compared to the big leagues. The fact Atl Madrid want to sign our player proves that we are signing the quality required to help us compete but how do we convince our players that celtic is a better option than Atl Madrid?

06 Jul 2024 21:02:17
Edouard downed tools for £9m.

06 Jul 2024 20:24:41
Its not the price that's the issue, Real Madrid and many top teams, still spend 4-5 million on players but its how they develop them into 50 million players, that's the difference.

You could spend 15-20 million on a player and 4 million on another but you cannot guarantee which one will turn out to be the best or most successful purchase, players develop at different speeds and some only in the right environment.

It's not an exact science and if it was, every team would be successful.

06 Jul 2024 23:06:58
All good stuff guys. I think we all agree that the correct model for us is a mix of development players and quality experienced ones.
BR has said as much. He is not here for a second spell of domestic dominance (tho will no doubt achieve that) but to improve our status in Europe. He recognises we have to, that’s where all the money is, and IMO where the future is heading. We now have an ever expanding CL and 2 levels now beneath that also growing in size, stature and money available. There is no money in Scottish football. I for one am excited about all of that, I think we have everything it takes as a club to be a bigger player on that scene so long as we don’t do anything silly. Get it right on the European scene and we will have no difficulty attracting the players we crave ??.

07 Jul 2024 01:50:46
Again can you please tell me how many banguras, boerigters and bernebeis we had to go thru to find them players you mentioned?
10 wasters to 1 gem! Also how did we do in europe this past decade with this model.
Our last successful team in europe was oneills when his spending gap was much closer to the top teams.
As one poster mentioned above you definitely fall into the part of the fanbase that has been convinced to accept mediocrity when we have £100m odd sitting in the bank.

07 Jul 2024 03:07:23
That's the nature of the beast Derrytim I'm afraid, I'm part of the fanbase that is realistic about the financial climate we can operate in giving our economic constraints. I don't care how much we pay for a player as long as he is a good player?.

07 Jul 2024 10:13:14
It's not being negative or accepting mediocrity, it's about being realistic, get the recruitment team right and the value of purchase shouldn't matter, we can't develop our own to get into the first team, most want away first sniff they get, secondly we buy players at reasonable prices and if they work out great if not then no real damage, however just fund that scouting system a good bit extra and there is players all over the planet good enough to replace each and every starting 11 player, for relatively low fees, I'm as ambitious as the next celtic fan, I just think there is much to do still around celtic park to get it all right moving forward.

10 Jul 2024 19:30:21
Derry Tim, how would a prospective manager know for sure that he was going to be backed properly.
“Backed Properly “ is not a term any Manager concerned about his transfer budget would accept. It is open to interpretation. A manager coming to Celtic would immediately need assurances that he isn’t going to have any responsibility for existing players at club who are not making a contribution.
Those players seem to be what are blocking the purchases that BR want . A lot of clubs operate the same way . Ie players must be moved on before players can be bought in . Size of squad must be reduced.



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