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26 Jul 2024 22:57:30
Which player do yous think will be Sevcos biggest loss this season, mine is Crawford AllanšŸ˜.


27 Jul 2024 07:36:33
Sevco did go on TWO incredible runs, without conceding a league penalty in only 4 years under Crawford Allenā€™s watch.

Oor Wullie will put a stop to that. šŸ˜.

27 Jul 2024 08:10:00
Sevco will miss the best Basketball player at the club.
Goldson was the only player in Scottish football who was allowed to combine both Sports.

27 Jul 2024 08:14:30
Hopefully the new winger who like many before him, has come in claiming he has come to the biggest and most successful club in the country. Can't wait for AJ to put him back in his box.

Do they have a b******t coach across there, where they are fed this crud prior to their first media interview.

The dead will think that as he has scored against us a long time ago, he can do it again and become a legend and follow Tavpen ino their hall of fame.

They are taking in many, many loans, pay decent wages, in the hope they can get to CL groups stages, maybe win the league and pay off their debts and possibl afford to buy players next year.

Its yet another very poor business model from a desperate club.

26 Jul 2024 21:05:45
Sad news today about Bordeaux who have applied for Bankruptcy with just Ā£40m of debts . Their players are all available on frees .
If bankruptcy is granted, is that as final as Liquidation. Only in Scotland could a club exit Liquidation the right way .
Bordeaux were unlike the team who were liquidated in Scotland, were always regarded as a decent sound club,
It certainly isn't difficult to overstretch in either a sporting club or a business and owners and Board have to be very careful.


26 Jul 2024 21:30:03
They could claim itā€™s only the company thatā€™s entering Liquidation.

Although I canā€™t see the French FA acknowledging Bordeaux are the same club when they go down to Division 3.

Bordeaux will be wishing the SFA were in charge and then Everyone, Anyone can pretend Liquidation never happened.

Iā€™m sure the new Bordeaux will rebuild with their big fan base and soon they will start adding to their New History.

27 Jul 2024 10:38:38
Will the New club not just claim the honours of another club like what Sevco did?

26 Jul 2024 19:55:44
This will Surprise everyone

I am going to PRAISE the Sevco Board

They have just signed their EIGHTH player, they are backing their manager, it does not matter if we thing they are signing donkeys, their Board is showing willing.

Compare that to the cnuts on our Board.


26 Jul 2024 20:35:22
No Celtic fan should ever praise that mob!, and they aren't showing willing if they are buying donkeys, unless of course PC wants donkeys lol.

26 Jul 2024 20:59:45
I donā€™t agree because I was raging this time last year because we done the same with unknown cheap signings.

Celtic were bringing in project players and I couldnā€™t understand why we were downsizing, when we had already Qualified for the CL groups.
I can understand why Sevco are downsizing this season because theyā€™re skint.

This season I have plenty of patience because Iā€™m confident that Celtic will have signed at least 8 good new players by September.

26 Jul 2024 22:11:25
Buzz, I always thought this window in particular would be a slow burner for Celtic due to the Euros and the knock on effect that has on the big transfer merry go round throughout Europe.

26 Jul 2024 22:36:46
Itā€™s not been ideal wyllie and I understand why our fans get frustrated especially if we do eventually get Bernardo and Idah. Why the big wait.

Celtic will do most of our business late, when the season was already started.
( Probably include our usual couple of decent loan signings )

I would rather wait for a good player, instead of getting inferior players in early on the cheap.

27 Jul 2024 07:29:00
Wyllie67 I agree with you no Celtic fan could ever praise that mob .

Years of friendship with Sevco supporters can affect peopl.

27 Jul 2024 08:03:08
I cannot believe anyone who says they think the sevco board are backing their Manager and doing a better job than ours.

They have bought projects, like we did last year and which most on here moaned and complained about.

Some on here will use any excuse to hit back at the club/ board and don't understand that we are looking at higher profile players which means we are looking the same pool as much more clubs are looking, clubs with more money to spend than us, which makes it more difficult to negotiate with, clubs, players and agents.

27 Jul 2024 07:37:20
I donā€™t think our Board are likely to explain the big wait . The Board probably regard the constant criticism and ridicule from many forum members who have no know of what is happening, as sufficient reason for not divulging any information except bare minimum.

26 Jul 2024 14:46:22
Question Will the normal punter find out for sure what Sevco have to pay for hiring Hampden? Will it have to showed up on the SFA accounts for the year ahead? Or will it be hidden?


26 Jul 2024 15:40:46
It should show up in Annual Accounts but you might not find out until next year.

Celtic usually announce our Annual Accounts in September but Sevco could be about the November time.
So it could be November 2025 before we find out unless the SFA disclose the amount before then.

26 Jul 2024 20:12:51
Thanks just wondered if the SFA have helped them more than they should.

27 Jul 2024 07:30:56
Tony2bhoy, surely we should be wondering how much more than they should are the SFA helping Sevco.

26 Jul 2024 14:42:30
just a quick update on "the ranjurs news" (print edishun)
remember that the stadium tours are still running from today at Ibrox nothings changed (except the need for hard hats to be worn at ALL times) extra fun to be had for children by way of the giant orange crane bunjee jumps from Ā£20 per adult and child prices Ā£25 each if accompanied by a pensioner).

or why not have a half hour of fun driving the all new freddie the green forklift round the assault course to win a prize. plus you get to meet flip flop clement and the ringmaster daredevil johnny bunnet. book now before they take back the crane (concrete) block bookings welcome! we take provvy checks tae.


26 Jul 2024 16:55:34
MMM I wonder.

Did you used to post under a different name also beginning with a "P"

If so welcome back.

26 Jul 2024 17:30:57
A trip in the Haunted House includes a Meet and Greet with Alex Rae. šŸ˜‚.

26 Jul 2024 09:52:30
story in todays sun " we can exclusively reveal the real raisin behind the so called halt to the building wurks at the notcopingland rd end is because the site haz been declared "a hysterical site fur the peepul" meaning that there could be hysterical stuff found there indeed only yesterday we found the remains ae a big huge man with curly hair tied in a bow with a hat with a feather on it while holding a big sword, there's also been another find with whit looks like a white hoarse that hid a tatt of 1690 on its arse so make of that whit you will < hysterical scotland haven't made a comment thus far ed and am no kiddin.


26 Jul 2024 09:37:13
breakin news wee john bunnet has statit "I don't know whit aw the fuss is aboot the building wurks as we've decided to take the steel we need from the othir end tae compleet our wee projict so its awwww sortid end of! " bring oan the sellik.


26 Jul 2024 10:36:07
Always cheers me up reading their page .
Not even a week after the sad demise of FC Bordeaux, one of them have said they should act like vultures and snap up Bordeaux's players. Desperate times call for desperate measures.


26 Jul 2024 20:08:08
They can claim itā€™s only the Company.

Although I donā€™t think the French FA are as Corrupt as our SFA.

26 Jul 2024 10:16:27
Sevco are the "Worst Club In CL History" from the old 6 game group format, which started in the 1991/ 92 season.

There has been a total of 246 different Groups of 4 teams in the old format, since the 1991/ 92 season.

That's a possible of 984 chances a club could become the "Worst Club In CL History" in the old 6 game format.

Set forward Sevco Scotland who took that chance and gained 1st prize with ZERO Points and a goal difference deficit of -20 goals. šŸ‘.


26 Jul 2024 11:54:03
So we have the best ever performance from a Scottish team in winning it in 67.

They have the worst ever performance from a Scottish team.

Love Fridays Buzz. šŸ‘.

26 Jul 2024 15:40:39
They would have had a better record if they had not turned up and conceded each match 3-0.

How bad must you be for that to happen. You try your best which is worse than if you hadn't tried at all.

26 Jul 2024 15:52:06
Brilliant Weejoe, you make a good point. šŸ‘
( which is more than Sevco got )

26 Jul 2024 08:31:01
For those of us that followed the demise of Rangers in 2012 and it's aftermath. I think we all owe The Rangers Tax Case blog, The Scottish Football Monitor website and auldheid, a massive debt for keeping us informed.

Without these guys they would have managed to brush everything under the carpet with no traces remaining.


26 Jul 2024 09:33:12
Hopefully Man City get their honours stripped during that period they broke the rules.

Maybe that will put pressure on the Corrupt SFA and their 5WA, to have a fresh inquiry which would include the Supreme Court Verdict and other evidence from the DOS Ebtā€™s, which was withdrawn from the LNS inquiry.

Rangers FC canā€™t deny they broke the SPL rules because itā€™s in Black and White.
The same rules that had a 3-0 deficit as punishment, in each match for more than a decade of games.

The cover up by the SFA for not allowing the SPL to implement their own rules, is a disgraceful Scottish Football Scandal.

Only In Scotland because I can see Man City getting the punishment that Rangers FC shouldā€™ve received.

26 Jul 2024 09:59:37
It is years since I read the LNS ruling so I may be recalling incorrectly.

I seem to remember the DoS being in the verdict. However, they treated this scheme the same as the EBT scheme, despite this one being proven to have been a tax dodge. This was the reason the LNS ruling was based on a false premise at its outset.

I also recall that Duff and Phelps withheld DoS details from LNS. Same was true of Campbell Ogilvie.

26 Jul 2024 10:28:52
Thanks for clearing that up Weejoe.

I meant to write withheld.
The cover up is shameful.

I donā€™t ever expect the SFA to back down now and allow a fresh inquiry, which they last knocked back in April 2020.

But never say never because the evidence of cheating by Rangers and the SFA coverup will always be there.
All held together and protected by their own set of rules in the 5WA.

26 Jul 2024 15:50:00
Yeah I doubt it will be revisited and I am certain there is a part of the 5WA that prevents it happening.

Like you say the evidence is there and I am sure the 5WA still physically exists somewhere and while there may be people withholding the evidence, I hope it eventually comes out in the wash.

Not sure if you are familiar with the case of the Guildford four. Jerry conlan's lawyer would regularly go down to the crown office and request evidence so they could build a case. For ages the officer in charge was withholding key evidence from them but one day they went and it was a rookie officer on the desk who was not familiar with the procedure and he gave the lawyer access to the key evidence. This is how his innocence was eventually proven.

26 Jul 2024 17:33:09
Yeah I seen the film, powerful stuff.


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