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13 Jan 2024 14:52:54
I note that Big Chris (super Celt) shares the reservations of many on the forum ie potential incoming winger Kuhn is a project and not a significant quality player in the mould that BR wants.
Looks that way. Anyone disagree?

Agree3 Disagree0

13 Jan 2024 15:32:50
Time will tell but we seem to have reached a glass ceiling.3m to 4m seems our number.

13 Jan 2024 15:46:25
I have learned not to judge before I see them.

From what I read, he was a very promising youth but didn't make the transition at ajax or Bayern.

However, he seems to be making a name for himself now in Austria. Whether or not he can make the step up at Celtic remains to be seen.

The little I have seen he looks very quick, can play with both feet and is composed in front of goal.

I hope he makes it to first team as on the most part our wingers have not consistently delivered this season.

13 Jan 2024 15:48:43
Name a " significant quality player in the mould that BR wants" that we could realistically target? Are we saying that BR has no say on who we sign?

From now on, if anyone uses the phrases 'oven ready players' 'CL ready player'. Blames Peter Lawwell, Mark Lawwell, baby Lawwell, daddy Lawwell or makes Greg Taylor a scapegoat should make a financial contribution to ed's Christmas foodbank appeal. Ed should decide the amount depending on the severity of the post?.

13 Jan 2024 16:13:52
We should be buying 2/ 3 players, each in the 8 to 12 million bracket, it can’t be a coincidence that we are haggling over 200k and Lawwell is back in the building. Baby Lawwell’s record is atrocious, seen an article yesterday that had 6 of 19 signings marked as a success (that included Oh and Bernado as successful) .
Finally every team in the league targets Greg Taylor because of his weaknesses.

13 Jan 2024 16:24:30
We aren't haggling over 200k the reason he hasn't signed yet is Rapid hasn't got their replacement signed up yet.

13 Jan 2024 17:13:40
So you're saying we should be spending £24-36m on 3 players? Oh my that is delusion at it's finest ??Spending £8-12m doesn't guarentee quality! Big Jullien was £7m and was a big fearty of a cb! Van Dijk was £2.6m just saying!

13 Jan 2024 17:45:49
I hate the term project player., it’s cringy that Celtic fans use that! Most of the players signed in the summer are international players they are proven at a certain level the top 30-40 players in their countries. Every signing is a risk look at man United Chelsea how much they spend and they turn out to be diddies! Don’t buy into the sevvie sympathisers in the Scottish press bashing us! This model has worked for over a decade as we’ve been dominant in that time have a stable financial base, listening to Clyde and that’s all they are doing is writing off khun as he isn’t mega money so he must be a dud. let’s get behind the players manager and the board ?.

13 Jan 2024 17:56:39
I’m not delusional as I know it won’t happen, but it’s what a club with ambition would do, spend half the money that’s in the bank, you only have to look at clubs like Ajax or Benfica who spend 15 to 20 million on players but then sell them for over 50 mil. I know it doesn’t guarantee anything as Ajeti and Barkas prove but we started our current domination spending 18 mil on 3 players 23 years ago.
Say what you like about Rangers but the put every penny they have on the pitch.

13 Jan 2024 18:23:58
He's at least got a level of pedigree that other recent signings haven't. Ajax and Bayern don't go after you unless you're a good player.

13 Jan 2024 18:26:45
The ‘model’ has worked in Scotland for a decade if staying ahead of the ragers is the benchmark but it has failed utterly for two decades in Europe.

13 Jan 2024 18:40:03
Dembele, Van dijk and Wanyama etc were all "project players". We are a selling club and always will be unless we get access to the same funds as the pub league but that won't happen. I always find it funny when people mention oven ready CL players but yet never provide a name?.

13 Jan 2024 18:56:01
Every team in the league cannot be that stupid to target Taylor because if they do, they certainly don’t secure proper reward for their targeting. In the meantime Taylor is following Manager’s instructions, up at the other end linking up attacks and even scoring in his last game . Don’t tell other managers they would be better targeting Taylor’s attacking play.

13 Jan 2024 19:17:51
Bhoy88, Douig? £4.5m and oven ready.

13 Jan 2024 19:23:49
OMG we are heading towards our first signing and we are questioning his quality. He isn't even here yet. Give him a chance.

How much did MOR and Hatate cost, spending a lot doesn't guarantee quality.

Let the guy come in a settle and see him play before giving him the thumbs down.

We will probably never spen 9-10 million on player again but it doesn't mean we cannot unearth good players for 3-4 million.

They are speaking about 10 million Eoros for the Bronby player, that is twice what Kyogo cost and he isn't near as good imo.

There are no guarantees no matter what you spend.

13 Jan 2024 19:36:46
There were a few Scottish players our fans wanted including Doig, Hickey and Ferguson.
They were allowed to leave Scottish football for peanuts.

They would probably be worth a combined £40M-£50M now.

13 Jan 2024 19:40:47
Kuhn looks really fast and possesses something none of our other wingers don’t, the ability to dribble. He scores goals too. His crossing can’t be as bad as our current crop either. If I had to choose I would say he will be a good addition. Time will tell. Still need a LB and a striker.

13 Jan 2024 20:10:54
My point exactly chinks, although there would be plenty on here who would argue he's not the quality we need! Plenty of cracking players out there who would improve us that don't cost 10's of millions!

13 Jan 2024 20:51:22
In order for every team in the league to target Taylor they need to leave their penalty area first how many of them do, answers on a postcard.

13 Jan 2024 20:59:03
These Scottish players that everyone goes on about they would have probably sat on the bench for years came on here and there and if they didn’t play well would have been called duds same as what happens all the time but because they have left the league got game time and developed our fans seem to think we missed out, Douig is he not below Taylor in the Scotland national team pecking order just now?

13 Jan 2024 22:22:47
In response to several of the posts around how much we should be spending on players.

Two easy questions for anyone who wants to play.

(1) who's our best player this season? ?

(2) how much did he cost us?

☘️ ? ☘️.

13 Jan 2024 23:13:23
Et tu Petrus

(1) Matt O’Riley
(2) £1.5m
(3) for the GT haters on here have you no comment on AJ whose been pants…. as has CCV? …. do the selective memories on here not recall when he was replaced by Juranovic after his injury in the game against them and it went pear shape?

Greg’s Taylor gives us 100% and has seen off Boli Bolingoli, Diego Laxalt, Andrew Gutman, Adam Montgomery, Liam Scales at left back and Alexandro Bernabei give the guy a feckn break ff$ this is seriously starting to make this forum unbearable.

14 Jan 2024 08:40:02
Greg Taylor has been a brilliant signing for Celtic.

Last night I seen a video of Taylor receiving a straight Red Card for a tackle on Joey Barton when he played with Killie.
OMG, it was like the famous Simunovic challenge on Miller, except Taylor never got the ball.

14 Jan 2024 10:50:22
Are we really arguing about who's the 4th or 5th choice Scottish LB? Doig is on par with GT but has height and pace on his side. CCV and AJ may have poor spells but GT will always be small and slow. The area he should be in is targeted by every team in the league and i'd be fairly confident if you picked a random match against any of the poorer sides in our league that the majority of chances created come down his side. If I was a manager that's what i'd be doing.

14 Jan 2024 11:50:41

☘️ ? ☘️.

14 Jan 2024 14:41:24
I thought it was just me that thinks AJ is pish!

14 Jan 2024 16:14:05
Pay thePainter, Honesty I am surprised that I have lived to see the day that a Celtic fan praises Rangers for Leaving everything on the pitch, For over 30 yrs now both Rangers clubs have left money that they begged stole and borrowed with no intention of paying back on the pitch .
We don’t intend to be liquidated and die in order to try to keep up with any team . We don’t have the backing of the Orange Order and the Masons either .
I would rather we struggle on the Celtic way.

15 Jan 2024 00:02:43
Wee Joe, that’s a good article that u posted earlier about our new recruit . I think BR has said that he welcomed this player as the type he wanted .

Limerick Celt one of your colleagues as already mentioned that Taylor’s side is already targeted by every SPL team . If so maybe as another poster saiid they should move out of their own pen area before targeted and maybe then they might. gain a result . I am sure Ange and BR would love if opponents targeted that side most of the time in every game as it would be far easier for manager to get his defence sorted out by attacking all coming down one side . Hardest thing for any team to deal with is team varying attack down middle and both sides.



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