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01 May 2024 19:40:37
Fran Alonso was fed up with Celtic moving on his top strikers. I don't know a team that downsizes and expects to reap dividends.

Agree5 Disagree0

01 May 2024 22:43:24

Hi guys

Not been on for a few weeks due to personal circumstances and not coping or working through the stages of life too well as physiologist’s say but I love the site and been reading and listening.

The shout outs and contact from Ed and Campsie Bhoy and others on podcast are very much appreciated.

Celtic is an analogue club in a digital age.

Change is required every bit as much as it was during the Kelly's era and demise. The board is operating beyond their individual and collective level of competence.

Goodnight and God Bless lads.

02 May 2024 06:43:28
HH JFP, we’re missing you and hope that you can get back on track soon. my thoughts and prayer are with you.

02 May 2024 07:27:39
I can empathise totally with you, as I went through all the emotions you are going through, anger Why ME, impatience why is it taking so long to improve, moaning at Mrs T which was wrong, trying to stay positive which was hard.
I was in hospital 7 weeks which was a long time, but all the treatment HELPED ME RECOVER, I am now home and in a more positive frame of mind.
JFP you WILL get better soon too.
All us Tims are on your side
hail hail

02 May 2024 08:16:23
Morning JFP

Good to hear from you.

Tomorrow will be a better day than today.

Take Care.


02 May 2024 08:35:33

Miss your excellent posts. Stay strong.

Let’s hope the football helps being some cheer to you.

God bless.

Celt 65.

02 May 2024 09:24:51
Hello there JFP, I remember you saying weeks ago about taking a break from the site but wasn't aware of your situation.
I sincerely hope that strength and support of family and friends help you through this difficult period.
Normally, we would gain solace from our football team, but as you say the uncertainty and incompetence - especially over the past few months - has replaced confidence and optimism with doubt and uncertainty regarding our club from top to bottom.
However, Celtic were there long B4 I arrived in 1956 and will be there long after with all the highs and troughs of our unique history. Meanwhile your health and wellbeing come first. H H mate.

02 May 2024 10:57:21
Keep at it JFP your well thought of on here better days to come mate ??.

02 May 2024 11:14:46
Hail Hail jfp.

02 May 2024 13:17:47
There are always 2 ways at looking at every situation . That is why we talk about glass been half full or same glass half empty .
I am not stupid enough to believe that everything is bright and brilliant about our Board &. team . However to steer my mind away from the deep depression which has me on 10 tablets a day, I have to train myself from ignoring the things in life that tear me apart and concentrate on the good things, like my grandchildren and the Celtic club and team I adore. I could post all day long negatives things about Board and playing squad. But that would only leave me depressed and unhappy . I find looking for something good to post, for example
11/ 12 SPL and is it 5 trebles . No team, not even an EB T has done that . Thinking of that lifts depression and I could walk a 100 miles for one of their goals
We are all avid Celtic fans and with the results Celtic have had this century, surely we can find something to make us positive and sweep negatIvity away .
Again let us have the glass half full, ignore the half empty glass.

02 May 2024 13:56:07
Hoping Celtic lift your spirits jfp by winning the league, beyond that may these words from the Lord comfort and strengthen you.

'Don't be afraid for I am with you.
Don't be discouraged for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you.
I will hold you up with my victorious right hand. '
Isaiah 41: 10.

02 May 2024 21:02:16
Kerp strong JFP and hopefully better days are ahead. Sending you my best wishes. Good to see you post again.



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