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06 Jan 2024 14:56:05
Cant believe there are fans fuming we ain't going for McKenna, guy is rotten and slow as a week in the jail.

Agree4 Disagree0

06 Jan 2024 17:27:56
Got to agree. Mckenna would be 4th in line for a starting position with CCV, Scales and Nawrocki before him. As a free transfer and willing to compete from the bench he would be a decent/ good signing. But not the sort of player I’d hope for to improve the starting eleven.

06 Jan 2024 17:38:06
I totally agree with you . if he was that good then he would be in the forest starting xl .

{Ed007's Note - McKenna was banished from the Forest squad over a contract dispute - he told Forest he wouldn't be signing a new contract with them - and the general feeling amongst Forest fans is that he has been treated appallingly by the club.}

06 Jan 2024 18:20:19
I think McKenna at 27 is the perfect age to be signing a CB for Celtic.

I believe his best years are ahead of him and Centre Backs usually peak in their late 20s.

He’s got International and EPL experience and he knows our club and league very well.

He’s not much of a gamble because of the transfer fee involved.

I’m the opposite,
I can’t believe Celtic are not interested in McKenna under the circumstances.

06 Jan 2024 18:20:24
Forrest are a complete basket case of a club, much like the Govan galactic is. Mckenna wouldn't take any crap, he's not your modern day cb tippy tap, but he's not scared to put the boot in. Probably he'd walk spl, but European football might be different.

06 Jan 2024 18:35:11
Agree with you buzz, he's been down there for a few years in championship then epl, played against a lot of decent players he could do a job for us.

06 Jan 2024 18:36:57
Buzz the guy might be a good age and know the league but he's not good enough and with how high our CBs play they need pace.
This guy is any better than Jack Hendry who also knew our club and league.

06 Jan 2024 18:45:51
I never rated Hendry because he can’t defend.
Jack was terrible at the basics that you can’t teach.
He was shocking at timing a block and marking his opponent.
Although Hendry wasn’t good at defending, he was good with the ball at his feet.

I remember McKenna having a few ding dong battles with Morelos when the Colombian was at his best.

06 Jan 2024 18:50:59

Are Lagerbielke, Nawrofski, Scales, Welsh or CCV ‘good enough? ’.

06 Jan 2024 19:05:35
McKenna only faced Morelos 8 times whilst playing for Aberdeen and he only lost twice.

McKenna lost the last meeting before he left.
It was the match played behind closed doors and then a few Aberdeen players went to the pub.
The week before the Bolingoli fiasco.

He only lost once against Morelos in front of fans because he would rise to the occasion and loved the battle.

Aberdeen also won a league cup Semi Final that Morelos missed and McKenna missed a couple of other Sevco victories.

06 Jan 2024 19:06:07
Ccv is the only one there definitely good enough to play at the level we want to get to imo JFP.
Welsh isn't good enough full stop
Scales for me has played well this season but is already at his ceiling
The other two are prospects and I haven't seen enough of them

We all know and have seen McKenna, we all know he's slow as a week in the jail, poor with ball at his feet ect.
If he wasn't a celtic man that had played in Scotland no one would want him.
Epl experience just like duffy and Philips?

We were hearing all stuff about signing Stephen O'Donnell a season or 2 ago because he'd had a couple good games for Scotland, while ignoring the fact he was part of the worst defense in the league.

{Ed007's Note - I've seen nothing from CCV to give me any confidence that he can play at CL level for us - look at his defending at a few of the goals we conceded especially the one Taylor got blamed for against Atletico or Lazio's winner at CP where he lost the ball in midfield - is our terrible record of defending set pieces even at a domestic level nothing to do with him?
He is poor in the air - which is one of the reasons a lot of "bigger" clubs weren't interested in him when he was leaving Spurs - he doesn't command the area and you rarely see him organising the defence at set pieces.
I'm dreading the thought of going into the CL with CCV as our main CB as much as I am about going into it with CalMac at CDM.}

06 Jan 2024 19:07:42
A think McKenna is as good as any Cb we have, yes he lacks that bit of pace but so doess CCV in my opinion in fact a wouldn't say any of our Cb has great pace.

06 Jan 2024 19:11:45
Obviously not J because we're actively trying to get rid of lagerbielke abd most don't fancy Welsh. ccv has been struggling all season with his hammy. abd kobayashi is for the off.

06 Jan 2024 19:37:41
Forest fan here. Celtic would be mad not to sign Mckenna. if Rangers get him, he'll be an absolute bargain. knows this league. and would stroll it.

06 Jan 2024 19:54:06
The centre backs we have and I’ve named all lack pace including the two we spent circa. £6.5m on 6 months ago who also have question marks over them with regard to physicality and none are dominant in the air.

06 Jan 2024 20:07:25
This how we are judging a player now? How he done against morelos ??
Mckenna was part of teams losing 7 goals in 3 games to Pedro's rangers team, never mind morelos ?
I judge players against the best, which has been us for a long time.
McKenna is a player who was the main defender is a team we routinely took 3 or 4 goals aff.

{Ed007's Note - CCV has been the "star" defender in a defence that has conceded 30 goals in 12 CL games over 2 seasons.
How does CCV compare to the best you use as a comparison, Kev?}

06 Jan 2024 20:22:55
JFP one of thw reasons Rodgers wants better will be to do with pace.
Look at what he did with Erik Sviatchenko.

{Ed007's Note - Wasn't that about the same time Rodgers wanted to sign McKenna, circa 2018?
Has McKenna got slower playing in the Pub League and helping Scotland to reach a major tournament?}

06 Jan 2024 20:46:45
"Basket Case of a club" Buckie Boy?
I do like Celtic however let's see what "Marquee Signings" they make this window?
At least Forest SPEND their money, Celtic are notoriously tight, AND we'll be fine regarding FFP thankyou very much.

06 Jan 2024 20:55:31
Again with the scottish team stuff?
I've already mentioned Stephen O'Donnell and Jack Hendry but you go through that whole squad and it's full off players I wouldn't want at celtic.

Against Norway the defence was

Patterson Jack Hendry Taylor.

Would we be happy with that at parkheed? No chance.

Jesus he's behind that bombscare Porteous, jack and evenKT for a start at LCB .

06 Jan 2024 20:58:19
Being quicker than Sviatchenko isn't a big boast, he certainly hasn't got slower in the EPL. He was bombed out after 5 games.

{Ed007's Note - After playing 20 games last season and missed a few through injury....... and why was he bombed out? A contract dispute that eventually came to a head.}

06 Jan 2024 21:01:17
To answer your question on CCV, I really believe if we had managed to get him and Starfelt on pitch together that second season we'd have done far better.

Would you drop him for Mckenna ed007?

{Ed007's Note - No, they play in different positions and Ange must have thought it was better moving Starfelt than CCV to the LCB spot. If CCV was that good surely he could have moved and let Starfelt play in his natural position, it might have helped him lose his bombscare reputation.
Are you happy going into next year's CL with CCV as our supposed best/top CB?
Maybe Nottingham Forest will come in for CCV to replace McKenna.}

06 Jan 2024 22:13:22
You think McKenna wouldn't sign a contract if he was playing week in week out in EPL?

{Ed007's Note - What? Forest blew him out because he told them he didn't want to sign a new deal with them, even if they played him week in and week out he wasn't signing a new deal. He's not playing because he wouldn't sign a new deal.}

06 Jan 2024 23:19:01
Aye, just read up oan it. So here is another point, if he ain't getting the money or terms he wants at an EPL team he's not going to be getting them at us.

We'd need to make him one of our highest payed players, anyone really think he's worth that?

Tell you this, they sign him and come to parkheed with him and goldson in the middle I'd be over rather moon, kyogo should be rubbing his hands together at the thought of it.

07 Jan 2024 01:10:47
McKenna is better than Scales in my opinion.

07 Jan 2024 09:32:52
Lot of good opinions here, I think we all know scales is having a belter at the back when in real world a Celtic defender shouldn’t be the stand out of any team unless the defence is conceding nothing, but it is, so that says a lot, I think we need a commander in there with experience, so we at times can jump to a 5 at back (cl) as imo in cl that’s only way calmac works, calmac is awesome and as cap and as a player makes team tic, but we’ve all seen since ange left he’s exposed as a dcm and there’s issues there, I think at times there needs to be money spent on experience with value in what they bring to a team seen rather than sell on value, how many times we played a team in cl with a well known old fox still kicking about there 1st team and still doing it,

07 Jan 2024 00:08:53
I'd definitely take McKenna for us and I think he would compliment CCV very well, although I think you're being a bit harsh on CCV, Ed. He has his shortfalls like anybody playing in Scotland but he's been an excellent defender for us over the past few seasons. Maybe he's a bit overhyped by some but consider the fact we've had to witness some horrendous players at CB in recent years - sometimes they haven't even been defenders to trade and in our biggest games.

{Ed007's Note - Like a lot of the team, Kev I think CCV needs to toughen up and he needs to be more dominant in our area when defending set pieces. Opposition teams - at any level - know if they get set pieces in and around our box we are weak.}

07 Jan 2024 01:02:05
Ed just bring back super johny hayes and the jobs done. Epl pish. Great peace.

{Ed007's Note - And that will be the captaincy sorted when CalMac retires ?

07 Jan 2024 13:12:29
Very many sensible opinions about Mc Kenna and if BR wanted him what he could do for Celtic. I think BR wants to sign better than what we have already at Celtic. Especially for his first signing in his first window, having 5 mths of season to properly assess all our players that have been fit . Although some say Mc Kenna is better than we have, I think the majority would claim he is just about the same and that would give critics a field day.

07 Jan 2024 18:55:09
I have thought long and hard about this post, as it does something that has proved very dangerous in the past . I am thinking about CCV ‘s record in C L over the this season and last . I think it is rather harsh to blame CCV for his part in a defence that has conceded 30 goals in 12 games as CCV has only played 8 games in which Celtic conceded 19 goals which isn’t much different than 30 goals in 12 games, just slightly worse .
That ‘ s my contribution for today.



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