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22 Dec 2023 12:57:40
ED007 and all the great posters on here can I just wish you all an early Merry Christmas (Mrs T, Ghirls and I are leaving shortly for Nottingham to visit her sister It's a five hour drive so we are leaving about 2pm hoping to reach our Premier Inn Hotel around 8ish after a break halfway).

I hope 2024 brings anyone with health issues a more calmer and settled time.
As usual I am doing my "missionary work" I always take Celtic tops and other Celtic related gifts down with me even a Celtic calendar to show our colours all year round lol.

I am especially proud of the ghirls as 2 years ago they got involved with a sheltered housing complex for domestic abuse victims, and started raising funds etc.

This year Ghirls and their friends have raised £500 cash and a shed load of gifts for the women and their children, clothing, baby items like nappies and also toys books jigsaws selection boxes etc Ghirls also bought woman toiletries as well things few people think of including.

I moan at the Ghirls a lot, but when they do something like this off their own bat, it makes me a proud dad. I tease them by saying it's their "TIM upbringing lol"
Only downside for ME I have had to hire a blooming van to transport us all plus the gifts to Nottingham groan.
Hope Santa brings you all what you wish for.

{Ed007's Note - Merry Christmas to you and the family, Timbo ?

Agree7 Disagree1

22 Dec 2023 13:56:33
Same here ed all the best to you and your family. have a great Xmas and New year ??.

{Ed007's Note - And the same to you and yours, Mally. ?

22 Dec 2023 14:05:08
Keep putting Sevco on for a pen Tim and you will be able to buy a van soon?merry Xmas to all and its a great cause what your girls ars doing well done?.

22 Dec 2023 14:33:09
Hope you and the family have a great time Tim, also, to all the poster's have a have a great Christmas and happy new year, last but not least, Ed you, Grotbags, Yoda and the wider family have a good one mate. ?.

{Ed007's Note - Merry Christmas to you and your family, AGG ?

22 Dec 2023 15:02:59
You have a nice caring family Timalloy.
Merry Christmas to you all.

Also Merry Christmas to Ed and everyone else on the forum. ?.

{Ed007's Note - Merry Christmas to you and your family, Buzz ?

22 Dec 2023 15:27:42
Hi Buzz hope you are well, I don’t know if your mum knows my sister Margaret’s daughter Angela passed away on Tuesday aged 45 from long C.V. I don’t have your mum’s phone number or I would have let her know we are all devastated. Take care and have a lovely time.

22 Dec 2023 15:41:32
Merry Christmas to you Ed, and Merry Christmas to all Bhoys and Ghirls who post on here, and l hope we all have a great 2024.

{Ed007's Note - Merry Christmas, Glen ?

22 Dec 2023 16:20:09
I was sorry to hear about your tragic loss.

I was actually in my Mum’s house on Tuesday lunchtime when she heard the tragic news.
My Mum and Dad are spending Christmas at my Sisters in England and they will be back on Thursday.

My Wife knew Angela and her Sister from Working in the CC and she mentioned they were both lovely.
Everyone is in shock.

My thoughts and prayers are with all your family oldkilly.

{Ed007's Note - Sorry to hear that OK & Buzz ?

22 Dec 2023 16:40:35
Thanks Buzz and Ed it’s heartbreaking, Buzz you can let your Mum know her funeral is on Jan 5th in St Ninians in Kirkintilloch at 10 o clock.

{Ed007's Note - ?

22 Dec 2023 16:56:39
Thanks for letting me know oldkilly.

22 Dec 2023 18:02:21
Heading off for festive period.

Have a great Christmas and New Year Ed and all other posters.

We don't always agree all of the time, and that's what makes it a great forum to be part of, but one's things for sure, we are all green and white at heart.

{Ed007's Note - Merry Christmas, MIP and all the best for 2024.}

22 Dec 2023 20:17:04
happy christmas to you and yours tim. hope te baby jesus is good to you.

23 Dec 2023 00:41:13
Merry Christmas to all on here even the ones I disagree with HH.

23 Dec 2023 14:17:59
Happy Christmas Ed 007 and all your care .
A different Christmas for me and family, my wife declared after cooking almost 50 Christmas Dinners that, she has finished& is cooking no more . End of an era, one of our daughters is taking up the baton . So major changes all round.

{Ed007's Note - Merry Christmas ya cantankerous auld git! ? Seriously have a great time with your family and good luck with the dinner.?



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