01 May 2024 15:43:11
An independent review of var has AGAIN basically said its a shambles and causes almost double the mistake of pre var. Why are we sticking with this pish. Get it in the bin fire.
01 May 2024 16:11:03
I've mentioned before, this is only ever going to benefit one team so every other team that is unhappy with it need to demand its either fixed and pronto or refuse to pay for it.
01 May 2024 16:26:01
As it's the same inept officals that use it. All clubs should demand full time officals with full disclosure for the start of next season.
01 May 2024 17:23:49
Feel like we are on a time loop here. We all knew it would bring with it a whole new range of controversy, because instead of one honest mistake merchant bending and breaking the rules to suit his agenda, we now have a hand-picked committee of suitably biased 'judges' who take as long as it needs to come up with whatever version they want. I do appreciate not all referees are affiliated to a certain club, but there are far too many openly linked in one way or another, then you have the evidence that our officials are so inept or dodgy that they were not considered for the next high profile International tournament in the summer. The truth is out there.
01 May 2024 17:47:43
Hail hail there are more than one type of tin hats that need to be removed . .
The facts are that the cheating clubs goals were clear and obviously “goals”that should be struck off. VAR had no option they were so obvious . Things like fouls in midfield that were incompetently missed by ref . Offside in build-up that SMSM ignored in post match discussion, to try to make out Sevco was harshly treated .
Was the penalty awarded against Sterling, the penalty that was necessary to prevent Sevco having the unwanted world league record of matches played without conceding penalty. This plus Sevco only needing 3 penalties in 4 matches to have world record of most penalties awarded in a league season.
01 May 2024 18:11:48
des and they'll get them.
01 May 2024 21:59:58
@hailhail - not sure if you recall the ref who got caught lieing about overtime turning a celtic penalty?
Do you recall the head of referees who got caught sending anti- catholic emails to his work colleagues? The thing is he obviously felt secure enough to send these emails at work and their recipients are still in work.
Or perhaps you remember the head of the SFA who deliberately withheld our players registration so he couldn't play against sevco?
Even if we ignored all that, we still need to consider ingroup bias. This a proven phenomenon that shows people who belong to a group are bias towards other group members, which can be either consciously or sub-consciously.
Therefore, a referee should not be refereeing a match against a team they hate.
01 May 2024 22:13:30
I think they should just go back to a simplified VAR. By that I mean there should be a video that the ref can go and look at, if any team raises an objection about something, he can look at a video replay of the incident, and make up his mind on the spot, with no interference from outside var assistants, and none of this slide rule measuring for offside, the ref can look at the replay for a maximum of two minutes, then the video cuts off, and the game continues with whatever the refs decision, after viewing the video is, be it right or wrong,
02 May 2024 16:59:10
If the Independent Report on VAR is an Audio Report, it isn’t worth the paper it is written on . Any Referee and VAR Report that claims to be Independent and doesn’t name the people who created the report is embarrassing and shows the Authority has no respect for either the players or clubs involved. Players and club have justifiable reasons for known the outcomes were wrong when they knew the people who made decision ( referee and VAR official ) . Are they saying that the clubs and players doubt the impartiality and competency of ref VAR officials and would be of a different mind when unknown people make decision. As far as club and players are concerned these people could all be Sevco season ticket holders, instead of original ref and VAR Official who are Sevco supporters, employees, ex Sevco players and Sevco bar regulars.