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29 Dec 2023 13:52:15
Have they the board and new manager identified the players they want? . Will they act quickly and decicisivly and get them in immediately? . or will it be last day haggling to save peanuts on a deal, lose the players then bring in dud loans.

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29 Dec 2023 14:24:43
They had better get it done and done right because if its as bad as the summer window and sevco get in front there will be a mutiny.

29 Dec 2023 14:49:14
Reports saying we are after 3 positions, left winger, striker and central midfielder.

No left back and no goal keeper. ?.

29 Dec 2023 15:04:56

I’m not holding my breath waiting to see the required ‘quality’ additions or getting excited about the January transfer window after the summer window was panned.

There is no evidence to suggest that the risk averse Celtic board will fund the necessary investment and even less reasons to believe that the former city groups Scouting Information and Content Manager will source what is required if it was to be funded which is experienced professionals who will improve the starting eleven for the second half of the season.

The rumoured ‘advanced talks’ with a South Korean midfielder playing his first season in K-League 1 almost made a grown man greet. We can get by to summer with our current goalkeeper, left back, lack of wingers and no defensive midfielder which has resulted in the third jersey beside McGreggor and O’Riley being a weekly lottery but the need for ‘quality especially at the top of the field’ to quote Rodgers is an absolute must not least with the Asian Cup looming which the sleepers at the wheel known as the Celtic board have been aware of since this time last year but have failed to address.

As I said yesterday my fears, negativity and cynicism are based on nothing more than the board’s previous failures and negligence.

So I’m personally managing my expectations in preparation for disappointment.

Enrico might need to share that grape juice when the January transfer window closes.

29 Dec 2023 15:11:46
I'd say it's a right winger we are desperately needing aswell as a striker!

29 Dec 2023 15:32:18
4 quality players needed for me. striker lb keeper and an able replacement in midfield that can compete and not weaken us.

29 Dec 2023 15:34:26

Cheer Up ???


29 Dec 2023 15:46:52

We’re no doubt badly needing width for me there’s not a winger at the club.

The recruitment issue has not just been the lack of quality but the lack of coherence to play the system the manager wants to play or change it which has baffled the stats gurus. The vast majority of chances in football statistically come from getting to the byline rather than through the middle particularly when playing against two banks of five every week.

We just don’t have the right personnel never mind whether they’re good enough. If we play Maeda on the left tomorrow to nullify James Tavernier Penalty and play Palma on the right we lose the effectiveness of Palma cutting inside onto his right foot plus he doesn’t have the pace to overlap which is a double blow.

We don’t have wingbacks to play 3-5-2 and we don’t have wingers to play 4-3-3. It’s a shambles.

29 Dec 2023 16:00:32

I’m actually feeling reasonably positive about tomorrow even with CCV missing.

No fears about playing Scales and Welsh.

I’ll be at the game so you won’t be able to do your livechat thing and tell me we’ve scored in your world before we’ve scored in mine. The wife thinks I’m a tactical genius and can tell when a goals coming thanks to you! ?.

29 Dec 2023 16:19:28

Always happy to keep domestic partnerships thriving lol ?

Enjoy the game and keep up the positivity ? (well mostly lol) .


29 Dec 2023 18:01:57
Not as worried about playing sevco ( except honest mistakes) as I am about the perceived weaker teams. These games take care of themselves and we should have enough to win this. It’s what comes next that will define our season.

29 Dec 2023 18:04:17
Brian has previous on the Live Chat ?

In terms of the January window, agree with JFP and although January is a tricky window, for me, a starting Striker is a MUST, I'd also like to see a LB come and possibly a CDM on a loan to buy option but we'll see.

In the summer a first choice GK must surely be THE top priority possibly along with an able back up?

☘️ ☘️ ☘️.

29 Dec 2023 23:59:26
Welcome back Weejoe, I hate to say it but reports of what positions Celtic are interested could be very far from the truth . The Celtic club traditionally don’t reveal where their interests lie and I don’t think this window will be any different.
If they don’t sign a player. For position many think is a necessity, Maybe they couldn’t get exactly what they were looking for and hence leave it to next window.

30 Dec 2023 00:01:39
If we haven’t got a winger at the club, maybe it is that BR doesn’t want us to play with wingers.



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