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18 Dec 2023 13:33:06
I always knew Ange was going to be a huge loss when he left Celtic and that's why I enjoyed every match when he was here.

I wanted Brendan because I thought his appointment would ease the pain of losing Ange.

But early on, I noticed our poor record of not scoring in games under Brendan, since our 4-0 defeat to Hearts which ended our 69 games undefeated record.

That horrible trend has continued into this season.
Celtic have failed to score in 28% of our games since Brendan has come back.

Ange was manager of Celtic for 113 games and his team scored in over 90% of his matches.

Celtic have already failed to score in 7 games this season in only 25 games.
Sevco have failed to score 7 times in their last 71 games which is just short of Ange's record.

The Celtic players that played most of that 2nd half on Saturday, were all at our club last season and they looked like playing until midnight without scoring.

I'm not convinced a few new signings will make us score in 90% of our games, similar to Ange and Sevco's record.
It's obvious now that our problem is Brendan our manager.

Personally I would put him on his last legs and we will see where we are at the winter break, before I make more judgement.

Agree6 Disagree0

18 Dec 2023 13:47:19
Wanted bodo glimt manager . gutted when the new manager came in not just cos of his history but I think he passed his sell buy date at Leicester.

18 Dec 2023 14:12:11

You know my stance on the board but you’re spot on Brendan Rodgers has to take responsibility for Saturday and defeat the previous week at Kilmarnock.

As I said yesterday the squad is largely the same with summer duds added and the backroom staff remain unchanged Kewell, Strachan, Kennedy and Woods etc.

The only significant change is Brendan Rodgers and he’s turned a treble winning team into a team that can’t win three games in a row never mind three trophies.

The comment that worried me that he made in his post match interview when asked was he ‘surprised’ at the Hearts result was that he answered ‘not’.

Why did the manager send out a side that he isn’t surprised lost 2-0 at home?

Some of Rodgers decisions are absolutely bizarre. Mikey Johnston starting against Hearts. Kwon hadn’t been seen for months but was in the squad. We couldn’t get around two banks of five because our wingers are ineffective yet he hooks Turnbull one of our main goal threats from outside the box. Bernardo can play in champions league but not in SPL starts against Feynoord but benched against Hearts. Ralston on for Alasdair Johnston. Baffling

Lagerbielke scores against Feynoord then isn’t in the squad against Hearts after its leaked he’s potentially transfer material in January. What is going on behind the scenes?

Add to that Brendan Rodgers contradictory statements about recruitment. Returning he said he was delighted with what’s now in place at the club compared to his first period then now telling us he wanted four quality additions and didn’t get them.

He can only coach what the board provides then he tells us he signs off on all the players.

What one is it Bremdan?

I’m still none the wiser as to what was in it for Brendan returning to Glasgow as I’ve said but something not adding up.

18 Dec 2023 14:20:53
Buzz it is simple really, we should have brought a manager that would have continued to play in a similar way to Ange. There are coaches out there that would have come in no problem, infact I was reading at the weekend that Iraola actually applied for our vacant position. I know a lot of people were unsure but Maresca would have been perfect and obviously Knutsen too. Any one of these 3 would have ensured continuity, not Celtic though eh we have make a really lazy appointment in BR whose style is totally different to what the squad we have just built are used to playing.

You can see it, they haven't bought into his philosophy and his constant throwing them under the bus will just turn them against him.

If we want to save this we really need a new guy in, we have missed the boat with 2 of them so that just leaves Knutsen. Get rid of BR and go get him.
We all know it won't happen though, every time we are in a strong position we have to arse it up for some reason ( it's the Celtic way of course )

18 Dec 2023 14:34:01
Royjac any modern club would have a director of football in place who would ensure the new manager had the same footballing principles as the previous.

I don't blame Rodgers or the players. Ultimate blame lies with the board and the complete lack of imagination and modernisation.

18 Dec 2023 14:54:38
Even if our board was just incompetent, we should have been out of sight of the tribute act a very long time ago. The amount of times we have failed to push on from a strong position is actually negligent or an unfathomable agenda. And that can’t be paranoia because it keep happening!

18 Dec 2023 15:02:42
As usual, I acknowledge your facts and figures Buzz and unfortunately see a worrying trend . If the worst comes to the worst and our decline continues, will the also culpable Board wait until it's too late to salvage anything and what would the cost and turmoil of a sacking during a season?

18 Dec 2023 15:24:05
His decision to play ohilliosxis in him and he cost us 3 points against killie. his constant chopping and changing one min Holm is in then he's out lagerbielke on bench then he's out bernie turns up on Sat. baffling some of the stuff that's going on.

18 Dec 2023 15:47:51
Phillips that was meant to read ?.

18 Dec 2023 15:52:09
Bubs I agree 100% before Ange came in looked as though we were going down the DOF route as that is what was needed to modernise the club like you say and then Ange comes in and takes on the role himself I bet the board were rubbing their hands with glee at saving the wage of a DOF. It was always risky letting one man have so much control/ say over everything as if he leaves you are right back to square one, which is exactly where we find ourselves.

I would love the club to take the time to make the necessary changes to the footballing side of things because if we don't we will just get left behind, my concern is we have elements of our support that will not stand for anything other than a treble every season now haha.

18 Dec 2023 17:01:25
When a new coach/ manager comes into any club it is obvious that there will be changes in how a team plays as they will have their own ideas. It is human nature!
I hear many say that BR has turned a treble winning team into whatever, but it is not the same team. Ange was pretty consistent in team selection, but for large parts of this season only 50% of outfield players have been the same. We lost Jota, CCV, Starfelt, Maeda, Hatate, and Abada, most through injury, so how can it be the same team.
Ange stated before he left the squad needed strengthening, but I see nobody we brought in that is doing that! So who identified what we brought in?
I cannot see BR being responsible as he doesn't really have a track record of signing Far Eastern players, and I'd guess that is a market he doesn't know much about. There lies a debate in itself.
What I do see is lots of chopping and changing of the team, and many on this forum have also observed that. No real consistency in team selection. Is that affecting the players?
We all seem to agree that most in our oversized squad shouldn't be there, but at the moment we have to go with what we've got. I'm not too bothered about our GK, more the fact that teams are getting to our GK. When they do, Big Joe has done a fine job.
I look at our midfield and there is no real strength. Most are attacking orientated, totally, so struggle with the defensive side of the game, and thus leave our defenders exposed. Calmac should be further forward as that is his game, but we've nobody else to cover!
We don't need midfields to bully the other teams, but midfielders who cannot be bullied. Our current crop are too often knocked aside, don't know how to turn with the ball, and have no idea what is behind them, i. e., they ball-watch!
I'd like to see more of Bernardo, but how often is he selected, and what does that do for confidence. What I have see is that he can turn with the ball when a defender is on him as he has good control. I think he just needs game time. However, it is even harder when those around are not performing well.
For me, just get to the transfer window without losing any more ground and hope that what we do bring in hit the ground running. We need our injury list cleared, but that always takes time as you can't be out for a couple of months and be on it immediately.
Right now, we just have to start winning again and see where it takes us. I'll take a half dozen 1 - 0 results on the bounce at the moment! (It would be poetic if they were all penalties! )

18 Dec 2023 17:02:55
My tuppence worth, agree with the above and that BR must change the way we play in order to get back on track.

Better player additions would naturally help, we'll see how that pans out in the coming weeks.

With the majority of players really struggling I've got to say that our captain, CalMac, has disappeared at a time when he's needed most ?

☘️ ☘️ ☘️.

18 Dec 2023 17:42:32

Your earlier post regarding BR team selection / squad on Saturday was extremely similar to mines of Sunday. (There was some exceptions) .

Hope your not doing dark arts lol ?


18 Dec 2023 18:42:36

Great minds think alike and a can’t remember the second bit my friend.

If you steal one man’s ideas it’s plagiarism but I steal lots of peoples ideas and that’s called research! ?.

18 Dec 2023 23:37:02
We need to bring in a manager and allow him to get his type of player in as quickly as possibly. He must be encouraged to play his own style as, a manager trying to copy some other manager’s style is doomed to failure .
Before we can allocate blame for summer’s lack of ist team ready players we need to know, when BR was able to identify what he wanted and how many key positions he wanted to fill . This isn’t the necessary the same as the fans on here . Did BR give clear instructions in plenty of time for recruitment team to get these players . Or had recruitment team been working on different type of target for Ange up until June . We may have a clearer picture if we have 2 or 3 new players in before winter break is over . That would probably indicate that recruitment team has been active since last window closed searching for the type of player BR wants.

19 Dec 2023 13:07:11
Buzz bomb, I wouldn’t think very highly of any manager who I thought was going to leave us a lot worse off when he left, especially Ange who regularly spoke at length that what he did was get the set up the coaches right, the recruitment right so that he had built up a football Dept to last .
Seems that was the same Ange who beat his breast and showed the world the great Celt he was after the cup final .
Buzz boy my recollections and sometimes, I can get mixed up but the number of times, I watched the 2nd half with my nerves scattered, as although we were far better team, we usually led by one goal, up to the closing minutes, and I was thinking all our opponents had to do was get ball and man In penalty area together at the same time and ref and VAR would destroy our day.



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