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26 Oct 2023 20:24:40
For 60 mins we were fantastic but unfortunately our bench isn't strong enough. Nobody the manger trusts to replace Kyogo, a winger in the twilight of his career and another who hasn't played for us for over a year, a few CH's that are cover etc. Abada will add some quality and goals when fit but we need to try and get some players moved on and get 1 or 2 players that will seriously challenge for a starting place. Lots to be positive about though.

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26 Oct 2023 20:40:49
That’s slightly unfair Chinks.

Brendan’s game plan went out the window when Hatate was subbed early on.

I felt Celtic never used our bench properly last night and that was because of the Hatate injury.

Celtic needed to make our maximum 5 subs and not our minimum 3 subs, to have the energy to have a real go after they went down to 10 men.

Our players gave everything but I feel we would’ve pushed better, with a couple of extra fresh legs in those last 15 minutes.
( including injury time )

26 Oct 2023 20:44:55
Agreed Chinks67, around the hour mark I became acutely aware that our bench did not have a potential gamechanger to refresh the team. Our strongest were already on the park. Thing is, you don't usually get the same talent available in January that you can in summer.

26 Oct 2023 20:57:54
Spot on Chinks.

In an ideal world, and I'm well aware it isn't, there's 5 or 6 of our players in the starting 11 you'd say have nailed down their positions.

Which means there's 5 or 6 places I'd love us to be able to fill with better players than those currently being picked.

If we could do this we'd turn competing in Europe/ CL into wins and we'd then see what progress looks like.

☘️ ☘️ ☘️.

26 Oct 2023 20:59:31
In fairness Athletics lifted their game they were chalk and cheese between 1st and 2nd half. On Abada does anyone actually think he will stay if he looks around the stadium he must feel the most hated person in the club.

26 Oct 2023 21:34:04
Just because people support palestine does not mean they hate Jewish people or are anti-Semitic.

On a personal note, I want killing on both sides to stop. I want the apartheid to stop, I want illegal occupation to stop and I want Israel to honour the two state solution, which America keep using security council veto to stop.

{Ed007's Note - Anywhere that women, children and innocent men are being killed is wrong, no matter your beliefs, your political view or your - and no matter how pathetic it seems - football team. It's 2023 and we as a human race should have moved on but TPTB have held us back for centuries.
Anyone condoning the mass murder of ANY innocent people are on the wrong side of morality.}

26 Oct 2023 23:22:46
There are many decent Jewish people around the world rightly sickened by the rape, murder and apartheid that has been taking place for the past SEVENTY FIVE years in the name of Israel.

Sickeningly the world has closed its eyes to the systematic genocide of the Palestinians.

The events that we are witnessing these past weeks in particular, beggars belief.

Innocent civilians, mainly women and children are being targeted with the aim being to wipe out a race of people.

Those carrying out these human atrocities will not stop, as no-one will make them stop.

Shame on them for what they do, and shame on those who have the power to stop this but instead stand by and watch.

Their day will come.


27 Oct 2023 07:16:38
Totally agree Ed, no death is ever justfed.

I read an interesting piece yesterday about the AM match.

It basically made comment about the missed opportunity by our fans.

Madrid spent the week before the match building up their antagonising behaviour, speaking about 'that match' and the fact they were going to wear a replica of the strip worn by those animals, and even invited 2 of that team of the match. Behaviour that sums that club up.

The writer asked why didn't our fans not respond making a big thing about our win in 67' and have huge tifo with Billy holding the trophy aloft.

A stadium full of European cup tifos would have stuck one up to them and raised the atmosphere even more.

Instead we just raised some flags, his words not mine.

I really don't want to open that can again but do you guys think we did miss an opportunity as he says?

{Ed007's Note - I actually thought the stuff Atletico came out with was a bit cringe considering we played them in 2011 and I can't remember them going on about the 1974 match.}

27 Oct 2023 09:44:39
Took me ages to work out tptb.

{Ed007's Note - You're not reading enough conspiracy sites???

27 Oct 2023 14:18:28
We played them around 85 drew one each over there the rat scored but we went out at home behind closed doors.

27 Oct 2023 17:37:08
Ed, that actually came from a national newspaper bizarrely.

I threw it out there as it was the one story I saw that didn't solely comement about flags, nor did it mention how well we played.

However it was a strange negative story written about our fans missing an opportunity to have a go at the opposition and focusing on the conflict.

Clearly a Tory paper.

27 Oct 2023 18:13:54
I worked in Israel for a number of years building a metro or underground. There are people there I know who will hate what is happening and people there I know who will support what is happening. It is a very strange and wonderful place when you find your digs you are shown your bomb shelter as there is this constant fear that Iran Egypt Saudi will attack.

The world is crazy at present and Governments sit and do nothing. The one thing I can never get my head around is a race of people who suffered so much do the same to another.

Hopefully football can help everyone see sense and in mins, hrs or days to come this nonsense ceases

Love all the posts from the guys on here ed as an ex Holy Cross boy myself I salute you for dealing with all us loons.

{Ed007's Note - Thanks, Sean. HH ?

27 Oct 2023 19:22:40
It doesn't matter if the bench was weak and Brendan had limited options. We have 10s of millions in the bank for a rainy day.

27 Oct 2023 18:37:32
As Celtic fans we need to try to make Abada feel relaxed and wanted, most of do but we must be vocal with our support.

28 Oct 2023 11:14:48
Our bench is weak. Bringing on Forrest and Philips showed that. Philips couldn’t pass the ball in a straight line five feet and Forrest is Forrest. Did anybody even muse about him doing something? Me neither.

We have money to spend and Brendan knows what he needs. All good for going forward. He was clearly unhappy with the summer window and rightly so. Give him the money board. We are getting there, but won’t reach our potential relying upon subs who are nowhere near it.



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