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08 Feb 2024 16:26:54
I thought both our fullbacks had good games last night considering how poorly Celtic played as a team.

I noticed that Bernabei in the 1st half was our only player, that tried to take his man on and deliver a cross into the box.
He also had a good 2nd half and he gave 100%.

Ralston had a 100% passing accuracy which is impressive considering there wasn't much movement from his below par teammates.
He also deserves great credit for our injury time winner.
That crunching tackle was typical of Tony and I just wish more of his teammates showed that same commitment.

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08 Feb 2024 16:41:12
To be fair bernie was our best winger last night but kept getting caught out of position.

08 Feb 2024 17:02:33
Wen Johnstone went of early my pal txt saying aw naw Ralston is cumn on a said pity the rest of our team don't have his passion, ok not the greatest but always gives his all.

08 Feb 2024 17:13:11
I joked last night that Bernabei should switch positions with Maeda as he is much more effective (and confident) in the opposition half.

08 Feb 2024 17:49:28
Our defence is a shambles. Millions wasted on it. Our most consistent defender was nearly on his way to Aberdeen until defensive injuries opend up the door for him staying at Celtic. AJ never the player we first signed. Ralston squad player/ need upgrade. CCV mediocre/ injury prone. Bernabei no comment. Taylor mediocre/ need an upgrade. Nawroki not seen enough of. GK need upgrade.

08 Feb 2024 19:35:36
To be completely fair our defence for almost the whole game was made up of 3 reserves who have had very little game time especially this season and Scales who is playing out of his skin all season . Even the best clubs defences would be under pressure if they were missIng 3 starters .
However as I said to a family member, our defenders were weaker in name than they were in performance. Our midfield didn’t protect them that well.

08 Feb 2024 20:43:18

I agree with your analysis…….

Midfield has been our been our biggest problem. Defence exposed time and time again fe past while.

If BR doesn’t sort this …. then we don’t sort the team. The middle is pivotal.

Come on Brendan wave a wand….

08 Feb 2024 22:19:02
I’ll be honest, I don’t rate ralston but you can never slate him over his commitment, we wouldn’t have got that win last night without him so I deserve to cut him some slack . Over the last few seasons he has came up with moments in games that have had a great effect on the seasons. Credit where it’s due, he is living the dream . Bravo brickie.

09 Feb 2024 00:39:44
Billie McNeil use to annoy the SMSM by talking about looking for Celtic minded players . We seem to have given up on that completely and maybe we are suffering. Ralston is a typical Celtic minded player, he isn’t the best right back at club, but given a chance he does the best things from RB . The tackle he through himself into eventually won the 2nd penalty .
Scales and Idah are two Irish lads who are Celtic minded . Scales was 4th or 5th choice cb at season start . He got a chance and his Celtic love and determination has kept him improving. Idah says his whole Cork family are Celtic daft and maybe Idah will go from strength to strength playing for Celtic.

09 Feb 2024 14:09:23
Quinn, Ralston is almost the perfect substitute we could have to come on when a player is injured . He may not be the fastest and may be lacking certain skills but he gives you everything when needed most . The brilliant tackle up near Hibs goal, pass to the much condemned Abada, who passed to Kyogo and we got a penalty, that nobody seen coming, all started by Ralston who gave it all in making the tackle.



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