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08 Jan 2024 10:41:11
Morning All

I can't honestly believe some fans are complaining that there hasn't been any transfer business completed so far. (Only 1 week into transfer window opening) .

I understand fans anxiety / frustration around Celtic's transfer business model but think a wee bit of patience might ease this.

Some of Ange's transfers were done and dusted very early and quickly, perhaps because a lot of them were "projects" with no real external stuff going on surrounding them.

How well has some of this quick business worked out so far?

There were no real checks and balances in place when some of these Ange era signings were in place

Personally, I would rather time was taken to sign a suitable player rather sign someone quickly to appease a certain fan base.


Agree1 Disagree0

08 Jan 2024 12:26:09
I prefer to look at it another way Brian.

The longer Celtic take, it makes me think the player wasn’t their top target or 1st choice player.

If Celtic brought in a player straight away, it would be a sign that we have got our man and our recruitment team were confident with the job in hand.

“I would rather time was taken”
They’ve had about 120 days to figure out a plan to rectify the mess they made in the summer.

Brian, I know you like to be Mr Positive but you were wrong about constantly putting a positive spin on our horrendous summer transfer window and now your doing the same with the winter window ?‍♂️.

08 Jan 2024 12:44:36
They've had since the last window closed to identify who we need. OK its 8 days in but that only leaves a few weeks and there will be hell to pay if we get injuries and drop points due to not having decent back up.

08 Jan 2024 12:45:15
Well said buzz,
It’s a scandal that we haven’t signed anyone yet, Brendan Rodgers has stated publicly that we need 4 first team starters, what does baby Lawwell do all day if it’s not identifying and signing those 4 players.
It’s not like we don’t have the money.

08 Jan 2024 12:57:53

Thanks for your reply and note your comments and tone with a degree of disappointment.

It doesn't really matter to me whether I'm wrong and your right or vice versa.

I like you only want what's best for our club.

What my overall point is that I'm as equally comfortable / positive if we sign a suitable player on 1st day of transfer window or last day.


08 Jan 2024 13:11:14
Brian ?.

08 Jan 2024 13:16:20
I think it's better to get any new players in IF ANY sooner rather than later as they will need to get used to the squad the manager and The style of play bringing in someone on the last day of the window will take a couple of weeks to adapt to the team.

08 Jan 2024 13:37:54
If true in a previous Post that Baby Lawell or any member of the recruitment team were away on holiday at this time of yr a find that shocking. yes we all need a holiday but Jan and summer months is our most imPortant for future of our team. They can go on holiday the other 8 months if wish. Rant over a just want the RIGHT players in.

08 Jan 2024 18:22:43
I want us to do our transfer business correctly bot quuckly

There is no hurry but to suggest that just because we have players identified for months before the wundow opened, then they should be in early, is naive, there is so much more to a transfer, one being the players or his club don't fancy us and then once that is overcome, it's down to money.

I want the club to identify the right players, and if that means it takes time, so be it.

Lets be honest, no matter what business we do, it will not please everyone.

08 Jan 2024 19:21:18
Buzz bomb From been a fantastic source of valuable information regarding our club and football in Scotland, & also including some strange and funny titbits, you seem to have allowed yourself to slip into a constant negative line of posting . Can I say for one that I enjoyed your informative posts and would like more from u.
The problem with Brian’s positive interpretation, and your negative, neither of u nor the reader can know which is right and which is wrong .
Negative posting is fine most of the time but we had a poster before the 30th reckoning that we might need a new Manager . Most people can understand that for the disappointment caused by some results, others could believe it &clamour for new manager could begin. Imagine the turmoil that would create and the damage it would do to our chances of winning league.

08 Jan 2024 22:55:15
Celtic Calling,
I like to think the majority of Celtic call it correctly as we see it.
That goes for both positive and negative comments.

I’ve noticed you haven’t agreed with a load of my recent opinions but I’ve also noticed your usually in the minority with your opinions.

09 Jan 2024 05:50:57
Surely we don’t post for popularity reasons .
I prefer to give my opinion based on how I see things . I deal with facts as best as I can . IMO, us supporters can have no idea if the tea boy and his so called recruitment team should be blamed for not having new players in by now .

09 Jan 2024 08:22:06
It's all about opinions.
Seven of us will say black but you will say white.
Your obviously entitled to your opinions but I wouldn't say they're factual.

09 Jan 2024 11:02:58
Wasn’t baby lawell meant to be one of the city groups talent spotters, I’d have thought we could have used that to get a couple of city players in. Taylor Hayward bellis would have been a great signing at the start of the season, it just seems he has to sign random players that no one has heard off, generally from Asia in the hope we find the next Som from spurs. Rogers has constantly been asking for quality since he came in and was stitched up in the summer.
I hope we start to back him with players he wants, and quickly .

09 Jan 2024 12:07:00
Celtic Calling

I think you should continue to post your opinions despite the noise.

Because you might or might not be a minority opinion, it doesn't necessarily mean you are right or wrong.

To be kind is more important than to be right. Many times, what people need is not a brilliant mind that speaks but a special heart that listens.


09 Jan 2024 13:11:26
I always believe your posts, Buzz bomb, are factual, I am the only poster here, I think, believed you when u said Mark L was the tea boy at Manchester City .
I take a great personal insult at u implying my posts are not factual, except of course when ir is obvious that I am been sarcastic. I think it is down right bad manners to claim a fellow Celtic fan posts non factual posts
Let us both continue posting in good faith and keep our spirits up so that we can enjoy another SPL title win . We don’t want to return to the 1990’s hoping we would win some games and low expectations of winning league. No matter how bad our negative posters are saying 11/ 12 league titles and 5 trebles within same period is not exactly disappointing.

09 Jan 2024 15:46:24
Celtic Calling,
I’m sorry because I didn’t mean for you to feel insulted.

I only meant that if the majority didn’t agree with you, then there’s a fair chance it isn’t factual.

I like your debates and didn’t mean to upset you.

09 Jan 2024 16:28:37

I share your concerns regarding recruitment which obviously reflect the feelings of the majority of fans.

I also agree too where is the evidence that we should be positive with regards to the board signing one or two quality additions and as a minimum a striker that will improve the starting eleven in the January transfer window?

Like you I see none.

There is a difference between positivity and unrealistic optimism that predicts a future outcome will be more favorable than that suggested by objective data.

When my old man thought I was being unrealistically optimistic he’d quote a play on Rudyard Kipling’s poem ‘IF’ facetiously towards me.

‘If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs you’re maybe not intelligent enough to appreciate the severity of the situation you’re in’.

His other favourite ego buster If he wanted my opinion on something he’d say ‘Give us your thoughts - two heads are better than one - even if one of them is yours’. ?

As I’ve said I’m managing my expectations and preparing to be disappointed.

We’ll objectively know who was right and who was wrong at the end of January it will no longer be an opinion by then but a fact.

09 Jan 2024 16:38:51
Guys we all have opinions and I am glad we do not always agree because it would be boring as hell.

As long as no one gets abused for their opinions it I fine and i expect every post i put on, there will be a challenge because we all want what's best for our cub but have differing ideas on how things should be and are done by our club. Its healthy.

What isn't healthy is when fans and a club agree to head done one path, making a huge mistake which will affect their club for years, like across in Govan.

You always need a counter arguement to find the right balance, and its always somewhere in the middle.



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