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22 Dec 2023 07:52:19
Welcome Back GB. your stance on the values of everything our Club stands for is appreciated and applauded by many. by your leadership you create our 12th man in the Ground. We need your leadership and defense of all that this club stands for more than ever now. Fcuk the Board.

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22 Dec 2023 09:50:00
The board are in a lose-lose situation here and it's beautiful to see. If they didn't let the GB back in they'd be under serious pressure from other supporters and you just know their first game back in the anti-board stuff will be stronger and louder than ever.

22 Dec 2023 10:19:03
I hope the GB behave from now on because we can’t afford to see them getting another ban.

They need to put Celtic first and pull everyone together in this title fight.

22 Dec 2023 11:20:26
Hail Hail.

22 Dec 2023 11:34:55
Buzz. Behave is a multifaced point of view . I Hope the don't get arrogant and taunt the board for the sake of it.

22 Dec 2023 11:52:00
I agree DRB,
We need to move forward together.

22 Dec 2023 13:15:35
Kev bhoy, we are still in the process of getting relationships back together and I think we should build on the feel good factor, that we are now starting to build again . I don’t think gloating about our Board in a lose lose situation and it’s good t see is appropriate for fans who want and need wins . IMO there is nothing to lose by getting on same Hymn sheet.

22 Dec 2023 13:49:35
I knew they would be back in time for the sevco game. As Shankly said
'At a football club there's a Holy Trinity-The players, the manager and the supporters. Directors don't come into it. They are only there to sign the cheques"
I personally liked this one on What makes a team-"A football team is like a piano. You need 8 men to carry it and 3 who can play the damn thing"

22 Dec 2023 13:53:10
I’m really glad they are back as like it or not the atmosphere has been dreadful since they have been banned. It does lift the crowd and as such the players and we definitely need to pull together now. Like it or not we have a serious title challenge on now, and we need to be pulling in the same direction . My hope would be that we push on from here, hopefully win the title and the Scottish cup, and then protest against the board/ lawell / Desmond .
To say we are entitled as we complain but to be in this position with circa 80 million in the bank is foolhardy,
I’ve said it before if the Sevconian had us in this position they would put the foot down on us and pull further away. I feel the relationship between the fans and the board / lawell is irreparable now, and will resurface anytime we do not improve or play badly for a concerted period. Bringing lawell back after so many of us were finally happy to get rid of him smacks of jobs for the boys at best and not caring of the fans at worst. It’s not a forward thinking option, and we obviously need new blood, new ideas and a more modern approach to the club. But like I say now it not the time to try and force change .

22 Dec 2023 14:06:08

Absolutely Directors should only be there to write cheques and run the business a football man should run the football side which is where Celtics structure is wanting.

The need for a DOF to oversee recruitment and coaching and to ensure continuity when managers come and go has never been more evident.

The problem at the minute isn’t just the lack of quality but the lack of coherence with players brought in to suit the previous managers system unable to adapt to the new managers and not having the right players to let us change system.

We don’t have wingers to play 4-4-3 and we don’t have wing backs to play 3-5-2.

22 Dec 2023 15:19:23
Celtic Calling, there's no feel good factor, we've been poor for the majority of the season so far and have just been seen off twice on the bounce. If they want to stick to the football songs then great, if not I support that as well but I suspect it will be the latter.

22 Dec 2023 18:09:04
Well said Buzz. No one can disagree with that, no matter which side they are on.

Have a great christmas and look forward to getting educated by you with your stats in 2024.

22 Dec 2023 19:34:03
The people I have contact with all say that the GB back in will improve the atmosphere at games . I was stupid enough to think that a better atmosphere would bring about at least some feel good factor .
I am sorry Kev. I got it so wrong.

22 Dec 2023 20:21:46
A win tomorrow might do the trick mate.

22 Dec 2023 23:52:18
Of course. Kevbhoy, anything else and Christmas will have to be cancelled .
I think we will get win ok.



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