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14 Nov 2023 19:22:05
Well done to the Celtic fans.

Celtic made more money from Merchandise alone,
Than Sevco made from Merchandise, Commercial and Sponsorships combined.

Celtic are so much BIGGER both on and off the pitch. ?.

Agree11 Disagree0

14 Nov 2023 20:18:12
UEFA already have Sevco on their watchlist and these latest figures will need a second look.

It was confirmed that Sevco now have a higher wage bill than Celtic.

The Daily Record wrote that Sevco have a wage bill of £64 Million and that’s 77% of their Turnover.
UEFA only allow 70%.

I know this isn’t an exact figure because I think transfers Etc also get included in the new financial fair play rules.

But Sevco must be really close to the bone and they won’t have much room to manoeuvre.

Celtic on the other hand are sitting at approximately 50% and are well within the UEFA rules.

{Ed007's Note - I've glanced over Tweets and blogs about their accounts and from what I can see the big worry or question for any TRIFC supporter must be - if that's the best season we can have financially with CL money and a big transfer fee or two thrown in where can we make more money to take us forward?}

14 Nov 2023 20:23:48

When are we spending it?

If we’d lost one more goal in Madrid we’d have lost a goal for every £10M we have in the bank.

14 Nov 2023 21:03:11
Your right JFP,
There’s no point bragging about having money in the bank whilst the playing side regress.

14 Nov 2023 21:22:47

We’re 100% agreed.

14 Nov 2023 21:54:42
@ed the answer is it will be very hard for them. The only way I see them bettering 88 million is with significant player sales. Sadly for them, they don't have those sellable assets.

@buzz, back in WGS era and up until liquidation, Celtic have made about 10-15 million more than oldco in a comparable season.

However, since their demise we have rocketed away from and now in a comparable season we make at least 20-25 million more.

The worrying thing for them is they are still operating with a deficit and have far less sellable assets.

{Ed007's Note - So basically even if - and that's a big if - they can pull in say a £20 - 25 million fee for a player every summer but without CL football they will struggle to break even?}

15 Nov 2023 01:33:13
They were all counting how much they had made from the Europa League and Champions League, Big Shirley going for trillions lol Scary thing is this won't be a red flag to as with their operating profit they'll be all wondering how much of a warchest their 'proper manager ' will be getting?? Nevermind the £50m they get from the club world cup will see them ok?.

15 Nov 2023 01:28:15
Ed, their revenue this season was 83.8 million and that included CL money. They would need to take in 30 million of player sales, at least to match our revenue for the same period and that is before I factor in our 30 million of player sales this summer.

Even when they won the league, got to Europa final and had significant player sales, they only took in, circa 87 million, which is 25 million behind our revenue this season.

In terms of breaking even, I would guess that this season and last season, they have spent a significant portion of their revenue on repaying soft loans but I cannot say for certain as I have not looked at their report in any great detail. If that is the case, they will have that money in future, when all loans repayed.

If Celtic wanted to bury them, we could do it easily. The fact we don't, suggests our board don't want them to die again.

{Ed007's Note - ??

15 Nov 2023 13:02:12
Another site saying in straightforward numbers that they’re outgoings are £11.9 M more than they took in.
Of course with them who knows as they use so much BS and massaging of figures and details. they’re still trying to peddle the pish that they are the same club meaning they’re still £160M in debt!

15 Nov 2023 13:59:28
As any football owner / CEO would tell u, regarding money, it’s better to have it and not need it, than need it and not have it .

I will be surprised if we don’t see Celtic’s money spent and where it is spent over the next year or so .
On the other hand Rangers2012 will still be relying on their best supporters, SFA and SPL and their on field maestros, referees, and his VAR operatives to keep Leagues competitive and their ever gullible fans expecting.

15 Nov 2023 14:49:53
All these truths there will be a hunplosion at this rate.

15 Nov 2023 16:22:57
I still maintain that his remit is to win the league. It was The Mole's too but was replaced - there's a decent manager now in place and I believe there's desperation in their Boardroom for money.

15 Nov 2023 16:59:16
Wee Joe, of course I have no idea of what the Board is thinking, however at a guess I think the Board could justifiably believe that many of our fans wanted them back too . It was during the time that Rangers2012 were enjoying their journey making new friends all over Scotland that Celtic had to partially close stands because never before or since and only when Sevco weren’t present were Celtic fans were not interested enough to not attend in big numbers . Most supporters clubs in our Demi - Province could no longer run buses.

15 Nov 2023 17:29:27
@chas, I remember reading their accounts a few years ago and they had counted their debt as equity. ?.

15 Nov 2023 19:51:07
I wouldn’t be sure that Ranger2012 have a decent Manager . They are very much relying on referees and VAR operators who are increasing Sevco’s pen quota up to 2 per game to help Clement to not fall further behind.

15 Nov 2023 21:40:17
That probably was a factor in the drop in attendance.

However, I recall it declining before then, as most of us had enough of watching Strachan's team, then mowbray. Picked up a wee bit I Der Lennon and then nose dived a bit under deila.

{Ed007's Note - So what's the excuses for the attendances this season? When we're winning leagues and Trebles a lot of Celtic fans simply can't be @rsed turning up unless it's a "big" game. The amount of empty seats at Celtic Park most of the time is embarrassing and then when you throw in the complete wet wipes that only go to take pics and videos for social media likes - who would be better staying in the house as well to be honest.
Plans to extend the stadium would make us a lot more money but the place would be like a morgue 90% of the time.
Aye it was really $hite watching Celtic win 3 leagues in a row against what turned out to be the biggest cheats in footballing history at Ibrox, get to the last 16 of the CL twice after beating teams like AC Milan, Man Utd and Benfica under Strachan.}

16 Nov 2023 04:52:14
I m not saying there were not good points under Strachan but the football was grim at times, especially towards the end of his tenure.

I remember having to watch Caldwell, McManus and Naylor fail continuously at defending set pieces. There was also a game against ICT, were he set the team up to defend and we didn't have a shot on goal the whole match.

Liked JvoH but he was brutal to watch after an injury. I just remember most of the bus moaning after lots of games because the football was grim.

17 Nov 2023 21:58:58
Massive cost of living increases, could affect attendances .
Something needs to be done, to try to make sure all season book tickets are used,
I heard about a man from Ireland who has 2 tickets, for himself and his father .
They may go to one game per season at the most.
In fairness tickets are almost always used.



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