Celtic banter 64486


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31 Oct 2023 16:38:23
Thats the GB banned untill further notice. what a mess.

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31 Oct 2023 16:53:09
This won't end well as I can see lots of other fans backing them, myself included.

31 Oct 2023 17:01:14
I agree it’s a mess Mally.
The GB definitely help the team with the atmosphere.

Our players need to be up for the game tomorrow from the start because it will be a low key atmosphere.

31 Oct 2023 17:43:34
So before the GB existed there was no atmospherePig watch and constant pyros has broken the camels back. They should discuss cold flares but a single match is classed as a fire hazard.

31 Oct 2023 19:09:29
Neither the Board nor the Green Brigade come out of this smelling of roses . I haven’t concerned myself to follow this family quarrel in great detail but I got the impression GB was a kinda squaring up with its statements.
At the end of the day for the GB and any other person supporting them, remember first and foremost we are Celtic supporters and we are blessed to be supporting Celtic in one of their most successful periods ever. Our dominance will end someday, don’t miss out on our successful yrs.

31 Oct 2023 19:15:32
Is the Board friendly with that half-wit joke Suella Braverman?

Whatever happened to the right to protest, freedom of speech

It would appear that Celtic Board and UEFA say football and politics don’t mix unless it’s their politics.

31 Oct 2023 19:39:07
As much as I like the atmosphere that the GB brings to the match THE GB is not Celtic I go to watch and support Celtic not the GB not that I can manage to get to a lot of games but its Celtic I go to see at the end of the day.

31 Oct 2023 19:45:16
As if we didn't have enough to deal with on the field, with a growing debate about squad size and quality, the Board declare war on a section of our own support. This is a totally unnecessary diversion and distraction that only benefits our detractors. How can we be 'A Club For All'; when people cannot express empathy for oppression like the rest of the world showed the the Ukranian people. The Hypocritical Celtic Board seem to want to dictate how people think and act. This will get worse before it gets better.

31 Oct 2023 23:54:28
It’s madness to say Board has declared war on GB .
If Board stood idly by and just took UEFA punishment, up to including stadium closing, if UEFA decided, I am sure many fans would go really angry.

{Ed007's Note - You know what's madness, Chris? The world you inhabite - most of the accusations against the GB aren't UEFA sanctions and has been discussed to death UEFA would need to close stands at loads of games for the 'crimes' of Celtic, the wider support and the GB/Bhoy's sections.}



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