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30 Oct 2023 10:23:24
Huge blow hatate out for 8 to 10 weeks.

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30 Oct 2023 11:09:48
It’s a huge blow.
I mentioned in an earlier post, that our 3 worst midfield overall possession performances this season, have occurred when Hatate has been missing from our midfield.

30 Oct 2023 12:09:16
Next to MOR he is our most creative midfield player and the other options don't bring anything close to what he is capable of. We may have to think about altering formation in games to compensate, as Saturday showed how predictable our play can be at times. There is a current shortage of quality as we have all seen and the squad players need to do a lot more than they have shown recently for the good of the team and their own futures?

30 Oct 2023 12:53:03
Matt O’Riley is a machine similar to Calmac and touch wood that continues to at least the New Year.

O’Riley has been available to play for 114 League matches in a row.

Matt joined MK Dons in the January transfer window in 2021 and he played in all 49 league games before he joined Celtic.

At Celtic,
Matt has played in 64 league games out of 65 but he was on the bench for our trophy day 6-0 hammering to Motherwell, in his first season at Paradise.

30 Oct 2023 13:47:10
That's a big blow and would mean he's unlikely to feature in the first team until January at the earliest.

Hatate is one third of our engine room, along with Calmac and O'Reily.

In the interim, BR will need to find the right balance in MF which, given the lack of quality we currently have in the squad, is like asking him to turn a sows ear into a silk purse.

☘️ ☘️ ☘️.

30 Oct 2023 14:24:35
Losing Hatate is certainly a big blow as he is a terrific footballer . Who says he is out 8-10 wks, I saw something in Daily Record that he is out for a long time, I didn’t read it but if DR is source then maybe he won’t be out as long .
No matter who we start instead of Hatate, it is bound to be a step down, Bernardo didn’t look too bad to me and we have one or two others who won’t let us down too badly . Our concern about squad depth didn’t really rise before Sat. We would be better not repeating it too often less people start believing it and by showing their concerns from stands affect players confidence. We need to help the like of Bernardo Tomori, Yang and OH, because no matter what happens we need one or two of these to do something worthwhile for us.

30 Oct 2023 16:09:51
On the plus side it gives someone the opportunity to take a claim in the starting XI.

30 Oct 2023 16:15:02
Celtic Calling,

I agree with much of your post, some good points made.

Like you, I'd hope that Bernardo and Iwata should be able to do a job in the interim and the minutes on the park should do them good.

In terms of the current first team squad, to be fair a few of the bhoys on this forum pointed out their concerns when the summer window closed, particularly JFP.

Although I didn't agree with his view at the time, on reflection I was wrong, and I'm struggling to believe the lack of quality the manager has available to him despite the vast quantity of players on the books.

It may never be the 'best' window but I'm hoping that BR can start to get the players he wants in, starting in January's window.

Our bench, IMO, is woeful, embarrassing so.

When MON was the manager he relied on a nucleus of around 15 players, making no comparisons in terms of ability or personnel, BR may need to rely on a similar number for the time being.

☘️ ? ☘️.

30 Oct 2023 18:32:34
I was looking at our 9 new signings or 10 if we count the permanent deal for Iwata -

Lagerbielke has had the most starts with only 4 appearances out of 10.
Yang and Palma have had 3 starts each.
Nawrocki has had 2 starts.
Phillips and Bernardo have only had 1 start each.

30 Oct 2023 21:00:30
Buzz bhoy Your point is
Personally we won a treble last yr and in our pre - window planning we didn’t know of any top ist team players leave. Board found out about one player and manager and leaving at the one time . Our new Manager had to make up his own mind on positions he wanted to fill and the specific type of player for these roles and with little time left we may not have got the specific players we wanted, relying on the general top range youngsters who could all come good for us later rather than sooner.

30 Oct 2023 21:13:23
Celtic Calling

You’re killing me.

30 Oct 2023 21:34:35
Very poor excuse Celtic Calling because your clutching at straws.

31 Oct 2023 14:35:49
I don’t believe I clutch at straws but what I do believe is that I am an optimist
I feel confident in my optimism, in that we have won 10/ 11 SPL titles and recently 5 trebles .
In every one of our 10 SPL games we drew at least 2 games . So buzz bomb may I humbly suggest I am not clutching at straws . Recent years tend to back me up.



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