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20 Oct 2023 22:45:04
Please tell me Ryan Christie is nonsense ?.

Agree3 Disagree0

20 Oct 2023 23:39:42
Christie would be fantastic under rodgers again.

20 Oct 2023 23:49:36
Too greedy, it's all about Ryan Christie to Ryan Christie and not the team. No thanks!

21 Oct 2023 00:16:40
What a load of rubbish, for 2 out of his 3 seasons he was outstanding for us, I think a lot of you forget exactly how good he was.
One of the most dangerous and productive players in our team.
His last season was a disaster for everyone and lennon ordered him to shoot on sight.

21 Oct 2023 07:18:30
Well it didny work more often than not he hit row z.

21 Oct 2023 07:22:31
Not for me, who's he going to replace, Hatate, McGregor or O'Reilly, not a chance.

21 Oct 2023 07:42:31
Not for me he downed tools like a few others in that disastrous season leave him where he is.

21 Oct 2023 09:16:58
I do agree Oldkilly. He was one of our team that ran for 90 minutes most games while dragging players that had downed tools.

21 Oct 2023 10:36:44
Kev 2 good out of six seasons at club . step backwards.

21 Oct 2023 11:44:43
DPR you know your trying to spin more nonsense here.
Christie was bought as a prospect, sent out on loan imminently.
The plan for him worked perfectly.

He spent 3 seasons in our team. Scored and made goals at every level he played for us, instrumental in games like Lazio ect
He was one of the most dangerous players in the team EVERY season.
Top 4 in goal scoring charts EVERY
Top 3 in the assist charts EVERY season.
Topped it his last season.
Not bad for a player that only plays for himself eh?
His second season in the team was outstanding. 20 goals and 16 assist in 45 games.

Maedainparadise your asking who he'd replace, this is a squad game, what if hatate or o'riley has a season ending injury, who replaces them from this squad, turnbull, iwata? Christie is a far better player than any of them and is around the same quality as the 3 mentioned.

21 Oct 2023 12:26:11
Ad have him back he looks a more accomplished player since leaving.

21 Oct 2023 13:21:32
Kev, he is not near Hayate, O'Reilly or Mcgregors quality or ability. He had a couple a good seasons here and left at the right time for me. He wasn't going to get any better imo. He certainly wasn't going to be a 10-20 million player.

I have watched him a fair bit over last few seasons, his game hasn't improved that much, he's been steady and there were games where he was anonymous. He still tries to shoot from 30 yards.

I agree we all have differing momemories/ views about players and that was mine of him.

21 Oct 2023 13:30:03
OK 2.5 good seasons.

21 Oct 2023 13:36:59
Ryan is only 28 and it’s possible he’s still to peak with his performance levels.

I read Christie is in the last year of his contract at Bournemouth and he’s on £22K a week.
That’s a very low wage for a EPL player and that wouldn’t be an obstacle for Celtic.

Maybe it’s a sign that Brendan is looking to add more experience to our squad in the next transfer window.

21 Oct 2023 13:43:17
I read that Christie scored 42 goals and he also had 44 assists in just over 150 games for Celtic.
That means he made a contribution in over 50% of his games for Celtic.

21 Oct 2023 13:59:57
I added a couple of comments to this thread last night to try and back Kev but they haven’t appeared.

{Ed033's Note - Thanks, they've been posted now.

21 Oct 2023 14:05:07
He was given a reputation of been greedy by a small group of our supporters, yet Christie has a good return on assists both at Celtic and in the EPL. It’s probably better for him if he stays away.

21 Oct 2023 14:49:33
More nonsense claiming he's not near their level right now.
The difference is christie is at his peak where O'Riley and Hatate have the potential to go through the roof.

Christie would easily be in the top 4 player in our midfield and one of our top players again.

Aye deeper river bhoy 2.5 good seasons out of 3 in our first team.

Anyone who says he wouldn't improve our squad is clueless.

21 Oct 2023 14:56:03
Not for me. I wouldn't have him back in any form.

21 Oct 2023 15:15:58
He was here 6 season 3 deemed not good enough age skill build whatever? 2 decent seasons an indifferent season then sold . hardly the stuff of champions . clueless . can we not disagree without snides like that.

21 Oct 2023 16:05:22
He was never deemed not good enough, why talk crap?
He was bought as a prospect, the plan was always to loan him out to let him develop.
Same as Ajer and many other players that get brought in.
You can disagree all you want but fact are facts.
Once christie had developed to the level required and took his chance he was an extremely dangerous, important and productive player who performed at every level for us. Far better than most the midfielders in our squad.

21 Oct 2023 16:14:45
The guy averaged a goal or assist every 122 minutes for us and people try to talk down his impact. ?.

21 Oct 2023 17:22:12
Like all topics on here, we have differing views and that's the way it should be. It would be boring if we agreed all the time but surely we can disagree without having a go at each other, if not then it may discourage some from posting their opinions from fear of abuse.

We are a club for all like no other, so that should count on here also.

22 Oct 2023 12:53:07
IMO we should have about 15/ 16 top class first team players better than any other players in our squad . In addition we should have about half a dozen players who can step up to the mark and do a job for us if needed . My reasoning is that unlike EPL teams we can’t afford to have 25 / 30 first team players and cannot keep them all happy.



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