07 Oct 2023 20:07:28
Gents, on VAR again!
Having seen the shambles down south last week and our issues mid-week and today, there needs to be change, I think we all agree.
In the Liverpool game, it became clear the VAR ref and others were scared to stop the match after it had restarted. Why?
I have referred to Rugby a few times on how open and transparent their system is and how everything is out there for us to see, live time decision making explained.
Well today Samoa got a try, first review confirmed it was a try and it was given. After they had their kick for extra points, the video referee came back, explaining that they had reviewed one again and it was a knock on and it was no try.
Samoa accepted the decision and they played on.
That was minutes after having the try confirmed, so why can't those who runs football not accept that decisions can be changed once all the facts are reviewed.
The Liverpool game could and should have stopped, the goal confirmed and the ref, mic'd up should have been allowed to explain the decision change to the stadium.
Might there be reasons why this doesn't happen!
{Ed007's Note - Terence is always talking up rugby's version of VAR on the podcast, MIP and it sounds ideal to me. Didn't FIFA test a system a while back where the VAR discussions were heard live?}
07 Oct 2023 20:42:48
I'd like management to have 3/ 5 whatever. var checks per game. This every incident var check is ruining the game.
07 Oct 2023 23:31:15
I was sure the rules in Rugby Union were specific. that. the. Video referee couldn’t cancel try or had no power once conversion was attempted . Refs often take up position to stop kick. Rule must have been changed for World Cup . Seems to be a general policy in many sports that they continue to change the rules .
08 Oct 2023 01:02:02
People would understand if they stopped the game after it restarted because they made a mistake but just to let the game go was unbelievable!
08 Oct 2023 12:14:53
I just want to hear in real time why decisions are made, not after games are finished and people have time to consider their decision making.
I listened to Angs recent unterview on VAR and he thinks some people are looking for the perfect system which will never happen and he said if we go down the road some people have suggested, games will last 4 hours.
If we keep VAR, it needs to be transparent. I don't know if games should continue and VAR refs have a set period of time to review and confirm a decision, or we continue to stop games for what sometimes is an unusually long time.
The communication needs to be clearer when reviewing decision, but refs should not be allowed to have personal interpretations of incidents. That is where problems arise, particularly up here.
I know I am asking a lot up here but we will only feel trust in the system if changes are made and we get honest admissions if things go wrong.
08 Oct 2023 14:58:54
There are two huge differences between Rugby (Union or League) and football, when discussing Var or the TMO.
(1) the crowd can see the incident that's being checked on the big screen -usually several times/ slow motion, different angles etc
(2) the crowd also get to hear the conversation between the ref on the pitch and those checking the footage of the incident in question
That means it's transparent, therefore, I can't see the Lanarkshire Ref's association signing up to that anytime soon.
☘️ ☘️ ☘️.
08 Oct 2023 17:57:18
Totally agree Pedro, that's what I was saying also, transparency only applies to how biased our refs are.
09 Oct 2023 00:12:33
100% MIP
☘️ ☘️ ☘️.
09 Oct 2023 08:29:35
Aye, Imagine,
"Brother Beaton, that mob at Parkhead have scored another goal better get yer finger out and give sevco a wee penalty as they are looking like they couldn't score in the proverbial. "
09 Oct 2023 10:12:32
VAR in Scot Will always operate under different set of values and different rules and aims . The very definition of level playing surface in Scotland is also defined differently in Scotland. Even some Celtic fans bend over backwards to make a Scottish explanation.
On Saturday, many Celts were convince we should have a free instead of Killie breaking away for goal. One or two thought it wasn’t a foul. Surely VAR’s duty is to check, to determine if game should have been stopped and goal disallowed .
Fans shouldn’t be discussing if it was foul or not.