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23 Nov 2023 10:28:07

Hope you and other posters are keeping well.

I'm just kind of thinking out loud so this might make no sense but in my mind it sort of does. Anyway.

I think it's fairly obvious to read between the lines that some of BR comments regarding recent signings are just not good enough to be at Celtic let alone be in squad.

I'm assuming that deals with those players would have been done and dusted prior to BR coming in for his 2nd spell? . Deals actually wouldn't have been announced until transfer window opened and Celtic really couldn't have withdrawn from deals unless player eg failed there medicals?

Also again listening to some of BR recent comments about him returning he has said a few times "his heart told him to return" or words to that effect.
I'm pretty sure in all our lives we have made a judgement call based on heart over head or vice versa.
I'm not sure ever which one is right thing to do?

Regarding Celtic PLC board we all have our differing views and opinions on there strategy, business model etc.

I'm as confident as I can be that in the next few transfer windows we will sign better quality, 1st team ready players.

I hope and pray that we all can remain united in our support for the team and Celtic Football Club.


{Ed007's Note - All good here, Brian thanks ?

Agree3 Disagree0

23 Nov 2023 13:00:31
Brian, totally agree. To be fair to BR, he has never said the players are not good enough, he refers to not having the required experience or quality for Europe yet but be believes some will get there.

Therein lies the issue, we don't have time to wait for some of them to make that transformation as that could take a few seasons and we will need new faces of a level above to help them and carry us until then.

If we invest wisely and BR stays for the long haul, we have so much potential to at least hold our in in Europe.

It's now up to BR and Nicholson to invest in the right players, while putting quite a few out on loan or permanent transfer.

23 Nov 2023 13:20:03
I think Mark Lawwell needs to have a better recruitment record.
He’s brought in at least a dozen players in the last couple of transfer windows and only Alastair Johnston is a guaranteed starter when everyone is fit.

23 Nov 2023 14:40:09
100% Buzz.

As I said yesterday the success bringing in experienced personnel recruited during the former Spurs managers tenure Hart, Juranovic, Guakomakis, Maeda, Kyogo etc. not to mention Jota and Vickers were all signed pre-Mark since then we’ve been shopping in Primark.

23 Nov 2023 14:48:41
Think palma and yang could start any game and Holm could if giving chance.

23 Nov 2023 16:45:13
I am not sure the standard should be how of the new recruit would start if everyone is fit . I would think standards should be how many could make a useful contribution and not let team down if called on . On top of that the manager probably needs a couple of starters for positions that he feels needs strengthening . Egs We May not be in market to buy a better striker to take Kyogo place if he is available . Maybe we need a better left back than K T . We need both a striker and a LB.

23 Nov 2023 17:29:00
Celtic Calling I agree and priorities for me are a proven striker first and foremost a replacement left back for Bernebei to challenge Greg Taylor peace be upon him and a no. 1 goalkeeper to replace Joe Hart who for me has been fantastic since he signed and hope he stays another year as back up to the new no. 1.

23 Nov 2023 17:30:43
Baby Lawwell has brought in 4 Centre Backs and none of them can get a start in front of Scales, who was on loan last season.

He has also brought in 5 midfield players, who wouldn’t get a start in front of Calmac, Hatate and O’Riley.

23 Nov 2023 17:32:29
Is that BR using the players are not good enough excuse, to deflect from his own short comings as a manager?

23 Nov 2023 17:34:56
What is Mark Lawwell doing signing players for Celtic?

A non football man - He should be doing analysis at the back of the office.

Shocking situation.

Small wonder our signings since he has been here are overwhelmingly poor.

23 Nov 2023 17:50:30
Bawbag Lawell (sorry spelling I meant Baby) has spent £7m on two centre halves that can’t get a game and we don’t even know if Tillio is real? One starter from nine signings this season from the summer window with the biggest extended champions league prize at stake. At least we know Kwon is pants and Bernardo isn’t worth £6m. If I owned the company I’d sack him yesterday.

God Bless Brendan Rodgers because he’s going to need Gods blessing he’s up against it with these conservative (Tory) custodians. I’m sure that was the word I was looking for starting with the letter c.

PS: his da is moaning the gaps got wider in 20 years he was CEO for 18 of them with responsibility for our strategic direction and closing that gap and paid £700k per annum by you and me for his failure to do so.

23 Nov 2023 18:15:13

We usually agree but behave Brendan Rodgers has worked wonders with what he has having been shafted (again) by the board.

23 Nov 2023 20:12:03
I was about to write the same JFP.

Celtic have regressed in the recruitment department and Brendan is doing a decent job with the players we’ve got.

Ange was always going to be big shoes to fill and Brendan was our best realistic replacement.

23 Nov 2023 20:55:15
I've typed the same message too many times already since this summers transfer window closed.

But here goes, we have 32 first team players registered and, an additional 10 players currently out on loan.

Of those 42 players, how mamy are seriously good enough to wear the hoops?

I'd be interested to see the numbers.

☘️ ? ☘️.

24 Nov 2023 09:29:32
Guys, BR has now put himself in centre stage by announcing that as long as he is manager at our club, he will have the final say on signings and there will be no more projects.

He must have agreed this with Nicholson before saying it, or he's put the club behind the right ball, which if right, hopefully will be better and improve team.

However if it goes wrong, his head is on the line and he cannot deflect blame.

I am not agreeing with him being shafted in the summer scenario. He came in and the club had probably already identified players, as we could not stand still and wait until he got himself sorted out and found his feet again.

He probably agreed to go with what they had identified, as previous windows had been successful, until he settled in.

He wouldn't have known what he had until he got into training which all takes time.

January is the first window where he has had time to identify exactly what we have, the players he wants and needs and the club can bring in.

I just don't accept that the board, no matter what some believe, would really work hard to get him back and then shaft him.

24 Nov 2023 15:09:51
Is Liam Scales playing every game credit to his improvement, or a bad reflection on CB brought in and loaned in?



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