14 Nov 2023 18:04:28
I have a "Warm Glow" coming on here tonight
Today I attended the Nuclear Department of the New Victoria Hospital where I was injected with a radioactive dye, apparently this is to let the CT Scan get clear images.
When I arrived I mis heard the nurse who I thought said "come in here for a Gammon roll" instead I was given GAMMA RAYS, not as tasty.
These hospitals always give you advice on leaving, I was told "do not go near anyone who is pregnant, pee on your own ( boo usually I invite people to watch lol) " all radiation SHOULD leave your body within 24 hours, I fekin hope so
Still on the positive side Mrs T got me plugged into National Grid and cut our electricity bill.
{Ed007's Note -
14 Nov 2023 18:38:20
The Ready Brek Man ?.
14 Nov 2023 18:51:08
Told me to drink plenty to flush the radiation out, went home with eyes like organ stops, doctors orders.
14 Nov 2023 19:07:14
LOL ED007.
{Ed007's Note - It's good to see you posting, Timbo. I went for my flu jab last night - I didn't take the COVID one - and woke up this morning as if I had been hit with a truck.}
14 Nov 2023 19:39:08
I got both last Sunday and on the Monday I ached all day but next day it was OK
My next guest appearance at the Vicky is Friday for a liver scan, when I go in now all the nurses know my name, when I got my colonoscopy last month I had EIGHT nurses around me after as I was so ill and had to be transferred to QEH, EIGHT nurses and I was too fekin out of it to appreciate it, but it made Mrs T jealous lol.
14 Nov 2023 20:20:43
That’s sounds like a scare Tim.
I hope the worst is behind you.
14 Nov 2023 22:05:55
Not surprised Ed that you didn't take the C.V. jab - you just don't know what's in it. Heard there were a couple of Proclaimers cds in the previous one.
{Ed007's Note - Do you know that The Proclaimers is all a scam? They're not really related and just wore specs and cut their hair to keep up the sham.}
15 Nov 2023 17:16:07
I have had every C.V. jab and every flu jab that were available, as had my wife and neither of us has had C.V. or the flu. Only thing diagnosed with me is that I am cankerous, but that doctor had limited experience.