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23 Oct 2023 15:52:28
Craig Gordon was not a fan favourite towards the end of contract, it is regretful as was still a good goalie. Barkas was not an upgrade.
What do you think if Joe Hart gets a new contract? I cannot imagine he would be happy being back up. Time catches up and maybe got 18 months left in him. The goalie from Madrid I would imagine is a non starter. Who should we go for?

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23 Oct 2023 16:49:05
I read the Real Madrid backup keeper is on £45K a week.
Celtic might need to start paying those wages if we want to compete properly in Europe.

23 Oct 2023 17:31:45
Just seen they’ve priced Butland at 5 million, I’d go for him but it ain’t happening but ??.

23 Oct 2023 17:46:03
€45k per week should be manageable.

Surely Kyogo n Co are on that?

23 Oct 2023 18:11:05
It’s actually €54K a week which is about £47K a week.

It’s been mentioned that Sevco pay Butland £42K a week.
I think Calmac is our highest paid player on £32K a week.

23 Oct 2023 18:44:04
If Celtic are going to do better in Europe, the last thing they should consider is wages . The amount we spend on buying player and the size of which wages are far less important and far less of a guide to player’s ability . I would imagine for £45,000 per week we would expect a goalkeeper performing exceptionally well shot saving and playing ball out from back . Not a back -up no matter what club.

24 Oct 2023 01:42:24
Angus Gunn ?.

24 Oct 2023 01:45:31
I don't think there is any chance Lunin is coming to Celtic.

24 Oct 2023 07:16:32
Can't believe you are talking about wages like that, in times like these.

24 Oct 2023 09:05:32
I agree aindoh that Celtic won’t pay those wages.
That’s why we didn’t go for the Croatian keeper.

I can’t see Celtic paying 50% more wages than Calmac, who is the highest earner at our club.

Our players have given everything in Europe, for the last 10 years without much success but it’s because we won’t pay the wages for players, who can make a difference at that level.

It’s not just a coincidence why we haven’t won a European Knockout match, since defeating Barcelona 20 years ago.

24 Oct 2023 11:12:55
We missed a trick with gunn.

24 Oct 2023 14:31:28
Wages don’t win matches. If we look back over the last 20 yrs there were times when we had what appeared to be a competitive squad for Europe. Sometimes when we had the squad our manager adopted too loose and open style of football . Other matches were lost by freak mistakes and lack of concentration.

Looking forward from the way the club and team has progressed over last number of yrs, I can see SPL to easy for us. We are already 10/ 11 and 5 recent trebles. If we buy the players some are advocating, we will be too far ahead and yet may not improve in Europe as our team may not be challenged in SPL and their carefree attitude resulting in Celtic performing poorly in Europe. With the difference in squad abilities and financial situations, Celtic are far too good for Scottish football.

24 Oct 2023 21:16:27
The mob across the road just got to a European final and dare I say it probably should have one that game with wages similar to ours, there are teams who always put up a decent fight in European football with way less wages than us. It can be done without breaking the bank.

{Ed007's Note - TRIFC received circa £18 million from UEFA when the reached the EL Final in 2022 - circa £30 million all in with tickets etc - their wage bill for the same year was £55 million and they made a profit of £5.9 million, £4.5 million of that came from Aston Villa's compensation for Gerrard and his team & the £10 million Paterson to Everton fee. Without those 2 factors they would have made a loss.
It might not break the bank but it can get pretty damn close when you remember that TRIFC made an operating loss of circa £28 million the previous year.}

24 Oct 2023 21:29:34
I really think the problem we have when it comes to wages is we have a massive squad and too many players not making a positive contribution on the pitch. For instance James McCarthy is picking up 1m per year and doing nothing, off the top of my head I reckon we are probably wasting around 4m or 5m a year in wages that could be getting paid to guy's that are actually contributing something on the pitch, Even if we were to be giving that to 3 top players that made an impact on the pitch at a higher level it could make all the difference.

{Ed007's Note - I agree with you, I have no problem with our overall wage bill but we could spend it wiser. There's no reason at all that Celtic couldn't trim the squad and pay 1 or 2 players around the £50k a week mark without it making any difference to the wages bill. And all the talk about it upsetting the dressing room is complete bollocks, why is the likes of Ralston or Greg Taylor not moaning about CalMac's wages or even Abada who is supposedly on more than both of them?
Football doesn't work like that.
McCarthy is supposedly only on £12k-£15k a week but it's bumped up to the £22k-£25k if he actually plays.}

24 Oct 2023 21:39:01
I wasn't referring to them breaking the bank ed007 I was referring to us, we can operate at that level no problem.

{Ed007's Note - I definitely would agree that, sorry I picked you up wrong but it does show that even getting to one of the "smaller" Euro finals doesn't guarantee a windfall that we would think - fair play to TRIFC for doing it to be fair.}



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