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02 Dec 2023 17:39:17
Lots of my fellow posters commenting on their hopes for the January transfer window. Here's my tuppence worth for what it's worth which is not a lot.

Even if the Celtic board splash the cash and even if that cash is spent effectively for once by our head of recruitment and that's two big massive ifs there is absolutely no chance will all our needs be met in the January. The cumulative disasters that have been the last three transfer windows won't be remedied in one even if I was confident that we had the recruitment professionals capable of sourcing the requisite personnel.

Here's three questions just thrown out there for conversation and a laugh although it's anything but funny given what's required in terms of players and numbers to deliver on Rodgers ambition (alleged) to make progress in Europe.

1. How many of our 32 man squad are capable of playing in a champions league team for Celtic?

2. How many of the current squad would make your best Celtic 11 over the last 10 years never mind 20 years or ever?

3. Do you believe Celtic as a board have the necessary business acumen from a footballing and recruitment perspective for the club to break what is now a 20 years cycle of abject European failure and humiliation?

Answers on a postcard.

Agree2 Disagree0

02 Dec 2023 18:05:46
1 - Probably CCV and Palma - Hatate if he can be free from injury for a while.

2 - Probably CCV

3 - Yes, if they concentrate on the fact we are a firstly a football club and secondly not a bank.

02 Dec 2023 18:12:11
Joe Hart and Calmac are passed their best at CL level.

CCV, Johnston, O’Riley, Hatate, Maeda, Abada and Kyogo could possibly challenge for a start in the CL.

Only CCV is good enough in our current squad, to definitely walk into any Celtic team in the last 20 years.

Kyogo might have a chance of getting into a Celtic team in the last 10 years.
Kyogo is good when we play to his strengths but his build up play isn’t good enough for CL level.

There’s absolutely no doubts the Celtic Board are to blame for our European record.

Every year we would go into the CL Qualifiers without decent activity in the summer transfer window.

Our Board would wait until the last week in August until we knew our European destination, before releasing a transfer budget.

That’s a shocking way to run our club because it obviously makes it harder to qualify and then we’re scrambling for last minute deals.

Celtic should be bringing in our summer targets early, instead of getting the scraps on the last day of the summer transfer window.

02 Dec 2023 18:12:17
!0 year team





02 Dec 2023 21:32:16
Our Head of recruitment hasn’t had the easiest most straightforward start to his career at Celtic . He was appointed on May 22nd 2022 . No time to get his recruitment team to run their eyes over prospects as season was over or ending very soon . 2nd season was January window and most agree that the winter window is very difficult to get players in . No doubt between January window and summer window, he would have had several discussions with Ange re his requirements for summer transfer window . Just after season ended Ange announced his departure and a lot of preparatory work for season was put in doubt . BR rightly said he wanted to see all of his squad before he decided where he needed replacements . This mean’t a badly balanced transfer window with many projects, because Ange had named them and they were bought, and BR hadn’t time to get his men.

02 Dec 2023 21:47:40
I’m guessing Peter Lawwell’s Son would know the Celtic players very well before he took the job.
Brendan Rodgers also admitted to watching a video of every Celtic match when he was in England.

At the end of the day there’s no excuses,
It’s just bad recruitment done on the cheap, as usual.

03 Dec 2023 06:31:43
Watching video’s of matches may help a little buzz- bomb, but BR also said he would want to see players in the flesh and work with them on training pitches.



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