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01 Dec 2023 17:50:21
Re-: Today's BR Media Conference.

I have just watched and listened to the full BR media conference.

I thought he looked and sounded very, very uncomfortable with some of the questions from the media present particularly around any future transfer business.

The quote that stood out for me and sounded very concerning was.

"If the club have any ambition".

Have a look and listen and make up your own minds.


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01 Dec 2023 18:05:18
Brendan might be regretting his first interview, when he said he would be staying for 3 years.

One of the reasons I was happy we got Brendan,
I thought he would’ve ironed out the previous issues he had with the Celtic board but it’s worse than before.

I think Brendan has a decent reputation but his record in Europe is embarrassing and he might already be regretting coming back.

His European record will probably continue to get worse at Celtic, especially if we reach the new CL format next season.

01 Dec 2023 18:48:47
There is more wrong than right at the moment.

I’m genuinely at a loss at the board defenders on here.

We’re at a Fergus McCann moment we need an owner and board with foresight and vision they currently have neither.

I’ve said repeatedly I just don’t get the whole Brendan Rodgers return thing from his perspective. It would also appear he’s been sold a pup from what I can see and I don’t trust Mark Lawell to succeed in the January transfer window either given his last 17 signings don’t exactly fill me with confidence. We scoured the world for the best in recruitment and came up with the ex-CEO’s laddie? Aye did we aye.

Cue the Pedro defenders and excuses including we’re no dead like the ragers which apparently we should be grateful for and appears to be the benchmark for many Celtic supporters although I sense unrest thankfully. We’re the reason there’s £72 million in the bank it’s nothing the Lawell’s, Nicholson or Desmond have done.

01 Dec 2023 22:31:33
BR doesn’t deserve to be manager of Celtic . He let us know that he wasn’t happy with the players who were bought the last time . Surely to God if has any backbone he knew Board were in a difficult place and he should have tied down at least the first 3 windows, budgets and top price and maximum wage bracket .
If he hasn’t done that, he has let himself down, as well as us the fans . We need. a manager who tells the Board what he wants and won’t except anything less.

02 Dec 2023 08:16:44
As What's her name once famously said, " he would say that, wouldn't he ", Brendan is only looking after numero Uno, the more attention, whether it's deserved or not, that he can direct onto the board, the better it is for poor little him, if he can't get the players to dance to his tune or he can't change his music to get a performance out of the players.

Of course he can always blame the board, by insinuating that he is being hamstrung by the lack of quality players, Brendan, get the players together, man up and start going your job, man manage them, drop the players that need dropped, or replaced, like Hart, or rested like Calmac, and promote some of the young guys, get some youthful enthusiasm into the team, when you were here before, the team might have been invincibles but that was more a reflection of the domestic opposition rather than your management skills.

Or are you another one of these cheque book managers, that believe you can biy success, well here's some news for you, you can't, you will have to manage your way out,



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