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11 Nov 2023 23:40:37
Unless Brenden realised what he was walkng into in terms of the awful transfer policy the board have I would not be surprised if he walks. This is despite his assurance he would be here for all 3 years.

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12 Nov 2023 07:56:00
If Brandon didn’t fully understand the Board’s transfer policy, he certainly isn’t fit to be manager at Celtic and should be fired immediately. We know BR to be an experienced manager, previously managing us . Surely he had to exactly tease out exact details of policy, budget etc and interview Head of recruitment team . He had to know everything or he is a fool . I. Don’t think Br is a fool.

12 Nov 2023 08:37:59
It was the reporting that he was going to be getting a £30m transfer kitty that got me going. Thinking that he was going to be building on the previous manager's work by upgrading the quality of player took me for a fool. The net spend was nowhere near that. It's left me wondering whether the £30m is going to be spread over the 3 years he said he was staying as the manager.

12 Nov 2023 08:45:34
What a lot of panty wetting nonsense.

For anyone to suggest that he is naive or the board are conniving enough to either not know what he was coming into or thought they could lie to him, is so far off the mark it is starting to get embarrassing.

More and more people are buying into the Keevins and BFKB fantasy world, where we bully Scoland. That us what rhy across the city have always done. Those guys are idiots but those who listen to them are getting there.

BR has always said he knew what he was coming into and how the club operate. The club didn't, and he has confirmed this, promise him anything. Nothing!

However, I am totally convinced that if the right players are available in January, we will get them.

We got Moussa and Eddi and we paid well for Eddie and at that time, we didn't have the money we have now.

Yes Europe last week wasn't good, one bad game and the wheels are coming off and we are imploding.

The fans v club infighting isn't helping, fans are on edge and starting to listen to the nonsense being written about a club 8 points clear at the top of the league and just having played away at the toughest venues.

BR will get supported, he came in in the summer and the transfer plans were already in motion.

We were ahead in transfer business, as we had been when Ange was here. We all moaned about how slow we normally were and things changed and now it's we were too quick, as BR dudnt get who he wanted. REALLY!

He will have input in the next window I tringly believe.

So let's come back to reality and get behind the Manager and players and ignore the noise.

12 Nov 2023 08:53:17
Most annoying is they spent 18mill (ish) . which is good for an spl club. but never spent it to immediately impact the first team. have we enough to cover for rest of season without maybe having to pay over odds in January window. could we even not spend in Jan and have a bigger pot to get real immediate impact quality players in the summer?

12 Nov 2023 09:31:01
At first I thought The Board had learned from previous experience when they appeared to back AP fully and swiftly during his tenure. However, they seem to have reverted to type under BR and I'm not sure whether the return of PL has been a factor? Nonetheless, BR has been here before and should not be fooled twice as the saying goes.

12 Nov 2023 13:39:34
The £30m and the individual major buys at £15m were part of SMSM fertile imagination to have us poor innocents get all excited about who we were signing . Many of us laughed and scoffed at £10 m players who we thought were no way near Celtic players .
We should be in for £15/ m + players, but only they are coming to the end of their contract and can be bought for less than £5m but these players will have high wage demands and may not be cheap after -all
A few weeks ago after Hearts and A Madrid first game, some of us thought we weren’t that far away from a reasonable squad, but injuries to Hatate and Maeda leave us v short again . However I doubt if we would have been signing non first team squad players as good as Hatate and Maeda.

12 Nov 2023 17:11:03
Some of the negative comments about our last window may have to go to review if our team decimated by injuries can destroy a team like Aberdeen.



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