10 Oct 2023 19:03:01
First time poster so go easy guys ? I respect the right of the GB and others to their views. On a human level, I get the pro Palestinian stance of some. The Bible says Israel (Moses) was told by God to go and occupy the land under dispute. When they conquered the land, they stopped short of taking the coastal area now known as Gaza hence all the horrible stuff from both sides.
I'll get shot down in flames but some of us worship Jesus and pray to Mary, both Jews. As Celtic fans, may we tolerate differing views and follow the team. ??.

{Ed007's Note - People need to be aware that that Israel isn't Jewish state, it'a a Zionist state and Zionism isn't a religion, it's a political movement.
Jesus and Mary were certainly Jews but they weren't Zionist, Judaism goes back thousands of years and Zionism has only been around since the late 1800s.
There are millions of Jews who are against what Israel is doing and there are millions of Jews who see the Zionists as a political movement rather than part of the Jewish religion, the Zionist regime has murdered and persecuted thousands of Jews over the years who disagree with their political ideals.}

1.) 10 Oct 2023
10 Oct 2023 20:46:39
100% Ed I’ve just had a similar arguement with my mother. Anti Zionism is not antisemitism.

{Ed007's Note - Anti Zionism is the same basic concept as being anti-Tory, anti-SNP, anti-Fascist, anti-Imperialism, anti-Communist, anti-apartheid or even anti-Nazi back in the day.
Disagreeing with political ideology should never be a crime in a free world.

If only the world could live and follow the teachings of a Jew, John 13:34:

"“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another."