11 Aug 2014 23:11:49
Ed i'm really worried that warsaw will win their appeal as thwy seem certain they will do you think they will win the appeal and if so what happens from then on as we were seeded in the draw

{Ed007's Note - I can't see them winning the appeal.}

1.) 12 Aug 2014
Why is anyone talking about this?they broke the rules. If they appeal, so what?unless eufa want to change the rules to let any club play a suspended player for a few minutes to take a free kick eg annd score a goal eg, they have to go by the rules at the minute, I feel sorry for Legia, I was at the murrayfield game, it was'nt very pretty, celtic were so bad, they made warsaw look good, but Legia deserved to go through, but rules are rules.

2.) 12 Aug 2014
I agree Ed. The rules and punishment for breaking them are in black and white, no grey area. They have no grounds for a decision reversal. A lot of decisions made by courts, panels tribunals etc may be morally unfair but they are legally sound. This is one of those cases (imo) Hail Hail

3.) 12 Aug 2014
Just an afterthought. Do Celtic get any representation at this appeal?

4.) 12 Aug 2014
Tim I don't see why CFC would need representation. We are neither the accuser nor the accused. We have no input into the proceedings.

5.) 12 Aug 2014
I really hope not but legia seem very confident and claim to have already spoken to platini . ed why do you think it will not happen just ease my mind haha HH

{Ed007's Note - Ed002 is an expert in this kind of thing, nothing's ever a certainty but there's a 99% chance that the ruling will stand.}

6.) 12 Aug 2014
Fair comment Chris but we should have a presence to ensure transparency. If (which I find highly unlikely) we get kicked back out then we don't know what was said or done to justify EUFA bending their own rules. I think it's all hypothetical but I just don't trust them.