17 Jun 2024 21:04:09
Only in the Scottish MSM can they consistently come out with negative stories regarding Celtic whilst making out the team across the city are signing up all the next Ronaldo, Mbappe and Co.
Today's Celtic story is that Bernardo currently earns around 5k a week and we will struggle to match that, do these people who come out with this rubbish just sit in there bedrooms making stories up whilst waiting on the mummy changing their nappies.?
17 Jun 2024 22:14:09
Is that all he's on? Surely we can't be haggling over giving him £5k a week.
18 Jun 2024 00:07:46
I don't think we would but as there is very little coming from Celtic the SMSM like to try and cause as much panic within the Celtic support as they can by coming out with stories like this.
18 Jun 2024 05:43:07
Our imagined difficulty in meet Bernardo’s wage demands, brig succour to rangers 2012,Rangers2012 Board is split with Directors who have thrown millions in pot now wanting money returned from a club with no money.
18 Jun 2024 09:39:11
Would be interesting reading Baldemort's mind when he sees the budget he'll be working with.
18 Jun 2024 16:22:37
A guy that's played 25 games in the Cypriot league. A guy that's not played first team football and a guy that's done his national service in the army. It seems they are starting to cut their cloth to suit and downsizing big time.
18 Jun 2024 21:02:57
Bernardo I imagine will want a lot more than 5k.
18 Jun 2024 21:33:48
Embarrassing that our media are jumping up and down with joy about a guy who's played football for the army, who hasn't played for any team of repute or in any league but he is going to take the SPFL by storm.
They have bought a handful of mediocre players, who are projects to say the least but when we do it the media laugh and pour scorn on our signings.
Once we start announcing players they will get little media reference or if they do, it will be negative.
They cannot get rid of the dross losers they currently have, Cantwell, Goldson, Tavaneir but will spin it they fought hard to keep them to help develop the new starlets.
Ibrox is like TK Max, full of dross but advertised as boutique clothing shop.
19 Jun 2024 05:53:44
Let them spout their nonsense.
It gets their fans excited before they see them. Then when they see them it is a major disappointment as they are pish. This makes the fall to earth that much harder. ?.